Horoscope Today, November 24, 2023: Your Daily Astrological Prediction for All Zodiac Signs
Horoscope Today, November 24, 2023: Your Daily Astrological Prediction for All Zodiac Signs
Horoscope Today, November 24, 2023: Get your daily horoscope from renowned astrologer Chirag Daruwalla. Find out what the stars have in store for you today in terms of love, career, health, and more.


Ganesha says today is a day of excessive focus, leading to confusion and self-doubt. Overconfidence can be detrimental. In business, let events unfold naturally; interfering with colleagues’ work will be costly. Avoid new business ventures today, as they may lead to losses. Health will fluctuate; weakness in hands and legs is possible. Steer clear of risky activities. Dedicate time to family to maintain household harmony.

  • Lucky Colour: Brown
  • Lucky Number: 11


Ganesha warns of potential obstacles today. Even good deeds may bring evil in return. Refrain from unsolicited advice or interference in personal matters, as it can erode respect. Domestic complications will cause mental distraction throughout the day. Discernment between right and wrong will be blurred. Business failures may tempt unethical money-making practices, worsening the situation. Exercise patience today.

  • Lucky Colour: Purple
  • Lucky Number: 4


Ganesha augurs a day of progress. A favourable work environment will foster order and financial gains. Those seeking your assistance will leave empty-handed. Balance work with philanthropy. While limited social work is possible, financial support will enhance your prestige. Competitors will pose no challenge. Your decisions at home will be respected, and family members will seek your guidance.

  • Lucky Colour: Green
  • Lucky Number: 10


Ganesha predicts a fantastic day professionally. Success in tasks will require significant effort. Postpone crucial tasks today. You may receive promising marriage proposals. Expenses will exceed income but will be limited to essential needs. Lucrative deals will emerge after midday, leading to future financial gains. Domestic turmoil will persist due to a family member’s misconduct. Elders’ displeasure may arise.

  • Lucky Colour: Orange
  • Lucky Number: 5


Ganesha predicts a playful day. Lack of focus may lead to missed opportunities. Trusting others blindly is inadvisable today. Viewing family members with suspicion will strain relationships. Devotion in worship will be accompanied by a wandering mind. Employees may face reprimands for carelessness. Financial gains sufficient for work expenses will be achieved by evening. Satisfying family members may prove challenging today.

  • Lucky Colour: Blue
  • Lucky Number: 3


Ganesha warns against harm caused by personal mistakes. Indecisiveness may lead to public or familial criticism. Work may involve rectifying messy tasks. Financial gains will require extra effort and may not be substantial. Avoid expanding work or investing today. Traveling may be risky, and driving should be done with caution. Discord may arise from delays in fulfilling family needs.

  • Lucky Colour: Magenta
  • Lucky Number: 6


Ganesha promises respect and wealth today. Connections with respected individuals will prove beneficial in the future. Spending on others is likely. Sudden work and business growth will improve finances. Worldly activities and entertainment opportunities will arise. Love relationships will strengthen. Unmarried individuals may find suitable matches. Success in any endeavor undertaken today is inevitable.

  • Lucky Colour: Gray
  • Lucky Number: 9


Ganesha predicts a peaceful day. Initial work-related nervousness will dissipate after diligent effort. Businesspersons may receive government assistance. Government-related work will progress smoothly. Financial transactions will be hassle-free, upholding your financial integrity. Despite minor domestic conflicts, mutual understanding will prevail. Avoid being misled today.

  • Lucky Colour: Navy Blue
  • Lucky Number: 7


Ganesha says today a new consciousness will awaken within you. You will take an interest in propagating religious activities; you may also plan a trip to a pilgrimage place. After some trouble in business, you will get a sustainable income, but today be positive towards your colleagues, otherwise, differences may also arise. Employed people will face problems for some time due to getting additional work. Family members will insist on the fulfilment of their wishes which will cost money to fulfil. The obstacles coming in the way of traveling to distant places will be resolved.

  • Lucky Colour: Golden
  • Lucky Number: 2


Ganesha says today there will be a decline in health from the morning itself, which will affect the entire daily routine. Most of the work will have to be done out of compulsion. Business people will be disappointed due to the cancellation of any deal or errors in their work. You will get entangled in government and property-related matters; avoid them today as much as possible. Today, do not trust anyone without thinking as you may get cheated by a stranger. Even after spending money in marriage, you will fail to establish peace.

  • Lucky Colour: Silver
  • Lucky Number: 8


Ganesha says you will spend today happily. The happiness of getting success in any wish or plan made will last throughout the day. Health may remain a bit abnormal as there will be problems related to breathing. You will be able to earn more profit than expected from your work field. There will be a thought of going on a trip, which will also involve fatigue but will not be compared to excitement. There will be jealous relationship with neighbours. You will be successful in getting help from anyone but may be reluctant to help anyone. Family members will listen to you.

  • Lucky Colour: Olive
  • Lucky Number: 12


Ganesha says today will be a day of expense as well as profit for you. Today the business class will give more importance to money than relationships. Financial gain will be more than required but relationships will sour. Outside people will trust you more than those at home. But employment-related work will have to be done on one’s own strength. Women will be more spendthrift today, which may affect the household budget. The elders of the house will remain troubled due to chronic illness. There will be a lack of self-satisfaction.

  • Lucky Color: White
  • Lucky Colour: 1.

(The author Chirag Daruwalla is the son of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla)

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