Shah Rukh Khan was spotted leaving Atlee’s Mumbai house on late Friday night amid rumours that Jawan has been postponed. On Thursday, news broke out that Shah Rukh’s upcoming highly anticipated film is likely to release later than its scheduled June 2 release date. However, sources told that the makers are sticking to the original release date.
Amid these reports, the paparazzi spotted SRK’s car making its way out of Atlee’s home late Friday evening. The actor chose to stay away from the camera’s focus yet again.
On Thursday, a Pinkvilla report claimed that Jawan has been delayed due to the VFX. “Jawan is no longer releasing on June 2, 2023. The team needs some more time to complete the visual effects of the film and they would rather come up with a product that competes with the best in the country than a substandard one.” Reportedly, the VFX team has been working extensively for the last few months but the process is taking a longer time.
However, a source told on Friday that not only is Atlee still focusing on the June 2 release but the team is also planning to drop something big during the 2023 IPL Finale.
“I spoke to the production team last night and they are quite confident about how the film has turned out. The trailer is ready and has been watched. Right now, they are sticking to June 2 release. However, they will take the full and final decision by tomorrow at the latest,” the source said.
The source further said that SRK and the team of Jawan don’t have any elaborative plans regarding the film’s promotions. “The team has understood that there’s enough hype around the film and they don’t need to do much just like how it was for Pathaan. We should expect similar strategy being adapted for Jawan. They are likely to drop the film’s trailer 10-15 days before the release,” the insider added.
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