8 Foods That Will Worsen Your Immunity When Diagnosed With PCOD
8 Foods That Will Worsen Your Immunity When Diagnosed With PCOD
Diet plays a crucial role in managing PCOS symptoms, and certain foods can worsen the condition

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that affects many women worldwide. It can lead to several health complications, including insulin resistance, weight gain, and infertility. Diet plays a crucial role in managing PCOS symptoms, and certain foods can worsen the condition. Foods such as sugary and processed foods, dairy products, soy-based products, high-glycemic-index foods, and alcohol can have a negative impact on women with PCOS. By avoiding or limiting these foods, women with PCOS can improve their overall health and reduce the severity of their symptoms.

Saloni Jhaveri, In-house Nutritionist, Conscious Food and Tanisha Bawa, Certified Nutrition Coach lists out foods that can worsen your immunity when diagnosed with PCOD

Foods with a high glycemic index and those that are processed: Can elevate insulin and blood sugar levels quickly, worsening PCOD symptoms by causing hormone imbalances. Eliminate foods like white bread, rice, pasta, sweetened beverages, and pastries from your diet.

Daily items: Avoid seed oils. Opt for fruit based oils – olive, coconut or avocado. Saturated fats, which are abundant in dairy products like milk, cheese, and butter, might worsen PCOD symptoms by causing an increase in systemic inflammation. Consider substituting dairy-free products like vegan cheese and almond or coconut milk. Saturated fats like butter, ghee are also good in moderation.

Soy goods: Soy products include phytoestrogens that might mimic the effects of oestrogen in the body, resulting in hormonal imbalances in PCOD-affected women. Do not consume tofu, soy milk, or edamame, which are all made from soy.

Foods that are rich in fat and that have been fried: Eating meals that have been fried and heavy in fat can promote inflammation in the body and cause weight gain, which can make PCOD symptoms worse. Steer clear of greasy fast foods like fried chicken, chips, and other such items.

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Alcohol: Alcohol consumption can alter hormone levels and interfere with ovulation, making it more challenging for women with PCOD to get pregnant. Other signs of the disease, like weight gain and acne, may also get worse as a result. Restrict or completely avoid drinking alcohol.  

Tanisha Bawa, Certified Nutrition Coach, Founder of TAN | 365 shares more insights into foods that could worsen your symptoms

Refined Carbs: Avoid refined grains like wheat and flour as they can spike your blood sugar levels. When you have PCOS, you may already have imbalanced glucose levels. Consuming refined grains leads to your body producing more insulin which, in turn, may cause your body to build a resistance to insulin over time.

Sugars: Sugars, in all its forms, should be avoided when you have PCOS. Not only does sugar spike your insulin levels, but it also contributes to high blood pressure and an increase in your triglycerides which is linked to oxidative stress, inflammation, accelerated aging & disturbed sleep.

Dairy: Dairy comes with a range of female reproductive hormones and can leave an antibiotic residue in your gut, which can further cause hormonal imbalances. It also provokes inflammation in your gut lining, acidity & bloating and worsens skin concerns too.

Inflammatory oils: Cooking your foods in refined vegetable oils or overdosing on fried foods, which contain trans fats, increase the inflammation in your body worsening your PCOS.

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