Are You Depressed Or Just Sad? Know How To Spot The Difference
Are You Depressed Or Just Sad? Know How To Spot The Difference
Depression and sadness are often linked to each other but are quite different and should not be overlooked in any possible way.

Sadness is a normal human emotion that most of us experience at stressful times, but sometimes this emotion is confused with depression. Recognizing the difference between sadness and depression can help a person know when to seek treatment. Understanding the difference between sadness and depression is important for improving one’s well-being.

Sadness is a universal emotion that a person experiences during stressful times. A number of life incidences can leave people feeling sad or unhappy. The absence or loss of a loved one, relationship issues, financial troubles or issues at home can all affect mood in a negative way triggering sadness. However, sadness usually passes with time, but if the person is unable to resume normal life, this could be a sign of depression.

Depression, on the other hand, is a mental disorder that has an overpowering effect on a person’s life. Being in a state of depression may require long-term treatments, medications and professional assistance from a psychologist. People suffering from depression may lose interest in once-enjoyable activities, suffer health issues and may have suicidal or death thoughts. Depression causes serious disruption in one’s life, whereas sadness rarely affects the overall routine of an individual. While specific episodes of your life may cause sadness, depression may have no identifiable cause. It is important to note that, if a person is experiencing these feelings for more than a period of 2 weeks, then it may lead to major depressive disorder (MDD).

Symptoms of the major depressive disorder include:

  • Feelings of sadness, emptiness or hopelessness.
  • Frustration or anger.
  • Loss of interest in normal activities for a long time.
  • Reduced appetite or massive weight loss or gain.
  • A proper sleep cycle.
  • Lack of energy or tiredness.
  • Inability to concentrate or trouble thinking, making decisions or remembering things.
  • Suicide attempts, or frequent thoughts of self-harm.


 Sadness is only a part of depression, but more temporary in nature. It occurs after one experiences upsetting life events. Whereas, depression requires the intervention of professional assistance. If you experience symptoms of depression for over 2 weeks, you must consult a therapist. Seeking support will ensure growing through the experience and will help you manage it in future.

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