Glutathione Myths v/s Facts: A Comprehensive Guide
Glutathione Myths v/s Facts: A Comprehensive Guide
According to a report in Straits Research, the Global Skin Lightening Products Market Size was valued at $9.88 billion in 2021 and is touted to reach $16.08 billion by 2030

The fervour surrounding the whitening properties of Glutathione has become a subject of intrigue and misinformation. This surge is attributed to misleading Marketing Strategies by Pharmaceutical and Skincare companies’ intent on propagating the whitening myth to capitalise on an ever-growing skin lightening market.

According to a report in Straits Research, the Global Skin Lightening Products Market Size was valued at $9.88 billion in 2021 and is touted to reach $16.08 billion by 2030.  However, it’s imperative to filter through the myths perpetuated by marketers and understand the scientific truths for those seeking to harness the true potential of this antioxidant.

Khayl Reis, CEO & Co-Founder, Glutaweis explores a series of common myths surrounding Glutathione and reveals the corresponding scientific facts.

Myth 1: Glutathione is a Skin Whitening Agent

Fact: Contrary to the notion of the whitening effect of Glutathione, this master antioxidant optimises intracellular function, combats pigmentation due to its antioxidant activity, reduces inflammation, and enhances skin health inside-out.

Myth 2: Glutathione IV is the Most Effective Route for Absorption

Fact: While IV Therapy provides a quick internal boost, the body’s internal system will only take as much as it requires. Anything over and above gets excreted. The belief that higher doses lead to accelerated results is a myth. Excessive application and/or intake will not yield faster results and could lead to adverse effects. Want optimum topical care, opt for topical products.

Myth 3: Glutathione Nutraceuticals Offer Optimum Efficacy

Fact: The effectiveness of Glutathione Nutraceuticals remains subject to scrutiny, as their direct organ delivery yields minimal contributions to topical advantages. Moreover, the Nutraceuticals typically encounter gastric acids, resulting in a limited absorption rate into the bloodstream.

In the intricate orchestration of physiological processes, Glutathione assumes multifaceted roles.

It’s time to look beyond the whitening narrative and recognise the role that Glutathione plays in cellular defence mechanisms ensuring optimal health and functioning from within.

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