Google With Taito Working On AR Game: All You Need To Know
Google With Taito Working On AR Game: All You Need To Know
The AR Space Invaders aliens can fly around real-world locations, creating an immersive experience for players.

The US-based tech giant Google has partnered with Japanese video game company Taito to launch an augmented reality (AR) version of the classic arcade game, Space Invaders.

The new game, called Space Invaders: World Defense, uses Google’s ARCore and Geospatial Creator tools to allow players to have customisable gameplay based on their location, landmarks, time and weather.

The AR Space Invaders aliens can fly around real-world locations, creating an immersive experience for players. The game will be launched later this summer, according to a tweet from Google AR & VR account. The company has also introduced “Project Gameface”, an open-source hands-free gaming mouse that uses head movements and facial gestures to control a computer’s cursor.

The mouse enables anyone to pursue gaming, including those with physical disabilities, such as quadriplegic video game streamer Lance Carr, who was the inspiration for the project.

A promotional video of Space Invaders: World Defense has been released by both Google and Taito, although further information has not yet been disclosed. The companies are expected to provide more details as the game progresses.

Google’s ARCore technology is a platform for building augmented reality apps on Android, while Geospatial Creator enables users to build 3D models and bring them to life using Google Maps. With Space Invaders: World Defense, the technology will be used to bring a beloved classic game to life in a new and exciting way.

The announcement comes as the AR and virtual reality (VR) industry continues to grow, with more companies exploring the potential of these immersive technologies.

AR is a technology that enhances the real world with virtual objects, while VR is a technology that creates a fully immersive digital experience. Both are used in a variety of industries, from gaming and entertainment to education and healthcare.

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