Is Kissing in Indian Weddings 'Cringe'? Desi Woman's Tweet Starts Online Debate
Is Kissing in Indian Weddings 'Cringe'? Desi Woman's Tweet Starts Online Debate
A Twitter user openly expressed she finds it 'cringe' when people kiss during Indian weddings. “Call me old fashioned but lip lock pictures in Indian weddings look cringe.

There is a great deal, too much hush-hush, about the public display of affection in India. People are divided over what they think of it, even when the PDA involves a married couple. A Twitter user openly expressed she finds it “cringe” when people kiss during Indian weddings. “Call me old fashioned but lip lock pictures in Indian weddings look cringe. Stop copying west please,” the tweet read. The opinion triggered bipolar reactions online. While some agreed with the take, others came out in defence of couples kissing at Indian weddings.

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Some social media users were quick to let the original Twitter user know that it is not the West that came up with this form of PDA. Calling India the ‘Land of Kamasutra’, a few stated that India was not always conservative, to begin with. Others said that it is a matter of personal choice. If a young couple is happy engaging in PDA, it is their choice. A Twitter user wrote, “But isn’t it, their choice? If they like something from western culture and adopt it, it has to be an individual choice. There are many aspects of our traditional wedding which many of us might find cringeworthy.”

Another user wrote, “Honestly this is the cringiest thing I read today. You need to grow up. Everything is not perpetuated by the West. Or else stop doing everything that’s labelled western. Wearing western clothes, western food.”

However, not everyone was sailing in the same boat. A third comment read, “Seriously… It’s pure cringe to see young couples kissing in front of all the elders of the family… Witnessed one…My stomach turned upside down, with all my brothers and all standing there. Guess I am too old-fashioned.”

A few mentioned that it would be better to stick to the traditions and be original rather than copying the culture from the West. One user, however, perfectly summed up the entire debate. For her, some couples enjoy PDA, others like to keep it more private. To each their own.

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