Learn English: What are Similes? Understand its Meaning and Learn to use Them in Sentences
Learn English: What are Similes? Understand its Meaning and Learn to use Them in Sentences
Do you want to make your language look and sound a lot more interesting? In today's learn English section you will be introduced to a figure of speech called simile, its meaning, definition, and how to use them effectively

Do you want to improve your English communication skills and sound smarter in front of your peers? To assist you with the same, in today’s learn English column we will help you understand what are similes and how can you use them in sentences.

A simile is a figure of speech that is mainly used to compare two or more things that possess a similar quality. It uses words such as ‘like’ or ‘as’ to make the comparison.

The general idea of using a simile with the word ‘as’ is by using a noun that is known for a particular quality. For example: as cold as ice, as cunning as a fox, and so on. A simile is a direct comparison of two like or unlike things.

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A simile helps your reader or listener visualize, understand, and have a better conception of the quality of the nouns being compared. It makes it a lot more vivid and descriptive. In other words, it can be said that similes can be used to provide a mental image to your reader or listener.

Examples of Similes

Similes using ‘as’: 

Example 1:  As fast as a cheetah

Example 2:  As clear as a crystal

Example 3:  As sharp as a razor

Example 4:  As bright as the moon

Example 5:  As light as a feather

Similes using ‘like’:

Example 1:  Climbs like a monkey

Example 2:  Sleeps like a baby

Example 3:  Runs like the wind

Example 4:  Fighting like cats and dogs

Example 5:  Swim like a fish

Similes are a great tool to use in creative language and are fun to come up with. They not only make what you are writing or saying more interesting, but they can often intrigue the reader as well. When creating your own similes, watch out for cliches and try to go beyond the obvious comparisons.

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