Meet 9-Year-Old Chinese Boy Who Solved Rubik's Cube In Record-Breaking Average Time
Meet 9-Year-Old Chinese Boy Who Solved Rubik's Cube In Record-Breaking Average Time
Yiheng Wang achieved the feat at a competition held in Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur on March 12.

It was in 1974 when a Hungarian architecture professor, Erno Rubik, invented the very first Rubik’s Cube. And since then, people around the world have been putting their best to solve the puzzle cube in the quickest possible time. Now, a boy from China has created a new world record by solving a Rubik’s cube in the fastest average time. 9-year-old Yiheng Wang has been garnering praise and appreciation for breaking the record for the fastest average time to solve a 3x3x3 Rubik’s cube. He achieved the feat in just 4.69 seconds. As per Guinness World Records, Yiheng astonished everyone by solving the puzzle cube with an amazing speed in an average time of just 4.69 seconds during the semi-final of the Yong Jun KL Speedcubing 2023 event. It was held in Malaysia’s Kuala Lumpur on March 12. Starting from the first round to the fifth one, Yiheng Wang recorded times of 4.35, 3.90, 4.41, 5.31 and 6.16 seconds. His fastest and slowest times were discounted while calculating his average best, according to the rules mentioned by the World Cube Association rules.

Post the semi-finals, when Yiheng reached the finals, he won the competition with an average solve time of 5.97 seconds. It should be noted that the world record for the fastest single solve ever is still being held by another cubing expert from China – Yusheng Du, who solved a Rubik’s cube in 3.47 seconds in 2018.

With the new achievement, Yiheng has surpassed speed cubing legends Max Park (21-year-old Korean-American) and Tymon Kolasinski from Poland. They both separately held the record for an average timing of 4.86 seconds.

Guinness World Records also reported that Yiheng Wang had broken the record in February too but it had to be disqualified. At the Hanoi Super Brain Zyo 2023, he solved the Rubik’s cube in an average time of 4.75 seconds. However, it was later discovered that the puzzle for one of the solves was incorrectly jumbled up by a designated human scrambler and Yiheng’s record-breaking time was discounted.

Yiheng Wang has won all three speedcubing competitions, including Singapore Championship 2023, which he attempted this year.

Speedcubing is a past-time that has now turned into a hobby for many. It involves rearranging rotating puzzles into their constituent colours. The most common type is 3x3x3 but now, people have started covering a wide range of size and shape configurations for competitions.

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