This Dog, Excited To Go Out, Pulls Its Owner. What Happens Next Is Hilarious
This Dog, Excited To Go Out, Pulls Its Owner. What Happens Next Is Hilarious
A footage of a dog owner collapsing in a heap in making social media go crazy.

Pet videos are undoubtedly extremely popular on the internet, garnering millions of views within no time. Although watching cute and funny pet videos on social media is all things entertaining, looking after a pet animal daily is arduous, to say the least. Recently, a footage of a woman collapsing as her dog excitedly drags her down the front yard stairs went viral on social media.

In the video, the owner could be seen heading out of her house with her dog to take it for a walk. Soon after she shuts the door, her furball leaves no time to hit the sidewalk. The woman stops to check something on her mobile phone. Being on a retractable leash, the dog goes unnoticed as it runs ahead in full energy, dragging its owner down the stairs. The video was shared online with the caption, “Don’t say “walk" unless you mean it."

Check out the video below:

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Soon after the video surfaced on Instagram, it left people in splits. So far, the Instagram post has raked more than a 2.9 million views.

Thousands of users flocked to the comment section of the post to share their reactions. One user wrote, “Clueless owner 100% no control then adds in the spandy leash, compounding their ignorance. + the latest doodle mix. This video is actually quite epic",

Another commented, “It’s funny, but at the same time it’s worrying, clearly the lady has no control over her dog, and that’s where the real problem comes from, with some breeds of dogs that their training is complicated like pit bulls or that kind of breeds."

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