World Stroke Day: 4 Ayurveda Tips For Better Heart Health
World Stroke Day: 4 Ayurveda Tips For Better Heart Health
Heart, a vital organ for the functioning of our body and even one missed heartbeat can have severe repercussions

Every year, on World Stroke day, the spotlight is on the importance of heart health. Heart, a vital organ for the functioning of our body and even one missed heartbeat can have severe repercussions. It is essential to make sure that the heart is in its healthiest form, if otherwise, the consequences can be disastrous. Stroke is the leading cause of severe impairment in the global human population.

Most of us are aware how unhealthy diets and lifestyles are at the root of a number of heart-related issues and we love getting a consultation from our doctor and go back to our previous bad choices. It is imperative to know that all of this can be avoided by adopting a few lifestyle changes and adjusting to a fairly old and popular field of medicine, Ayurveda.

“One of the oldest branches of medicine, it has tips and tricks that help prevent getting a stroke. We are all guilty of eating at will from time to time, but according to Ayurveda, this is the main cause of all illnesses. Foods high in cholesterol are unhealthy to eat since they are hard to digest and have a poor effect on heart health in general," says Dr. Kriti Soni, Head of R&D, Kapiva.

These Ayurveda-approved practices will guarantee that you and your body are protected against any cardiac diseases and its associated hazards. Dr Soni shared four habits that you must adopt to become a healthier version of yourself:

Make Ayurvedic herbs a part of your life

Many Ayurvedic herbs are extremely effective at keeping your heart healthy. Ingredients such as fenugreek seeds, amla, and turmeric are proven to work wonders for the overall health of your body.  Blood sugar levels can be controlled with the use of juices produced from a combination of amla, jamun, and karela, which are readily available in the market.

Exercise is the way to be

When it comes to preventing practically any disease, exercising is a no-brainer. It keeps the heart and body nourished and promotes general wellness. Any type of exercise—gym, yoga, or pranayama—can help you increase your metabolism and guarantee that your pancreas is functioning properly.

Ditch white sugar and make the switch to natural sugars

White sugar, which the majority of us consume every day, is largely empty calories. Making it a part of your diet will do you absolutely no good. Therefore, switching to natural sugar from fruits, jaggery, or honey is strongly advised.

Increasing your intake of foods like asparagus, artichokes, avocado, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower that have low glycemic loads and low glycemic indexes are beneficial for the body.

Early dinners and a sound sleep

A healthy lifestyle, which seems the easiest of them all is also the most significant. Your lifestyle (Vihara) and diet (Ahara) have a significant impact on the health of your heart. There should be a sufficient interval between each meal. It is recommended you wait three hours between each meal. Another essential element to keeping your heart healthy is sleep. Each day, one must get at least 7 hours of quality sleep. It has been proven to treat hormonal problems and enhance immunity while reducing chronic inflammation and managing physical and emotional stress.

These tips are fairly easy to incorporate into our daily lives which will not only help us in leading a healthier and a longer life but also prevent harmful health hazards such as strokes.

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