Opinion | China's Agents in India are Fighting a Proxy War on the Pretext of Farmers' Protests
Opinion | China's Agents in India are Fighting a Proxy War on the Pretext of Farmers' Protests
Sitting quiet at the borders of India in Ladakh after an initial skirmish, China is now relishing every moment of what is happening in the national capital, knowing that the parties which backed it in the past, are again working for it inside India.

History has recorded this fact that when China had attacked India in 1962, a huge section of leftists had supported the aggressor instead of standing with their own country. And, once more, those with Naxalite ideology are firing from the shoulders of misguided farmers, in a bid to please India’s enemy no. 1, China.

Sardar Patel is considered one of the most foresighted personalities of Indian politics. He was known for his steely resolve and had the ability to foresee the future. These were the special attributes of his personality that helped him get more than 500 Indian principalities to agree to be a part of India. He was also the one who had warned India to be careful of China.

Seven decades after the death of Sardar, his warnings about China are still relevant. The first Prime Minister of the country, Jawaharlal Nehru, ignored this warning and paid for it in the form of India’s most shameful defeat in 1962 at the hands of China, just a few months after courting it and coining the slogan “Hindi-Chini bhai bhai (Indians and Chinese are brothers)”. Just before he died, Sardar had written a long letter to Nehru in 1950 and had warned him about China. But Nehru had ignored his warnings, and paid for it in the form of independent India’s first and only defeat at the hands of China.

It’s time that the country pays attention to Sardar Patel’s other warnings as well. He had also cautioned the nation about the destructive designs of leftists. While Sardar was still alive, leftists were busy fomenting trouble in parts of Telangana in the name of class struggle. Sardar knew the leftists well. So he crushed their movements ruthlessly. When China attacked India in 1962, even the country came to know about their activities and anti-India intentions. A huge section of the leftists was busy giving support to China openly. So blatant was this support that it birthed a brand new party, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) or CPI(M), which had broken away from its parent party CPI.

In the ongoing farmers’ agitation, a section of the CPI(M) is busy furthering its own interests. A plot to destabilise the national capital along with the rest of the country is being hatched. One reason they are not happy is that they are no longer enjoying the status of being close to power. One after another, left bastions are getting demolished. A party which had ruled West Bengal for three decades, today is out of reckoning there when the state is at the cusp of another assembly election. The party was also badly defeated in Tripura in the last elections after the government of Manik Sarkar had ruled the state for many decades. At one point, this was the party which had come to power in the name of anti-Congressism, but later accepted to share power with the Congress, and the last UPA rule is an example of this when Manmohan Singh headed a puppet government during 2004-2009 while leftists dictated the terms.

But the situation has changed in the past few years, especially after 2014, when Narendra Modi led the BJP to power at the Centre. The institutions that were considered strong left bastions are seeing a purge with the Modi government on a cleanup drive. This is happening at Jawaharlal Nehru University to ICCR, and other places as well. This has made the leftists more beleaguered and they are looking for an opportunity to attack the Modi government. But their problem is that Modi is not giving them any opportunity. Though Modi’s is the first right-wing government that has come to power on its own strength in India, those who wield real power in this government are the poor, backward and exploited folks, which the left considered its own vote bank that has now been snatched away. This is because in the age of the Modi government, this whole class has been converted into beneficiaries. They are the beneficiaries of the Modi government’s housing and cooking gas plans, and they are the ones who are now standing like a rock behind Modi. The assembly election in Bihar is the latest example of this.

This is the reason why leftists who have been linked with Naxalite violence in the country, are getting more and more impatient and violent with every passing day. That is why they are breaking down mobile towers somewhere while at other places they are destroying shops and blocking roads. Despite their rabble-rousing statements and acts, most of the famers in the country are not paying any attention to them and are busy tilling their lands and looking after their family affairs. In this situation, they have found an easy target in the form of Punjab’s farmers. The innocent farmers of Punjab are playing into their hands and the leftists are busy in achieving their violent ends and using the protesters as their weapons.

As is natural, this provides a very conducive opportunity to enemy nation China. The way Pakistan is now fighting a proxy war with India after getting defeated in three wars, in the same way, after stern actions of the Indian army and government in Doklam to Ladakh, China too has resorted to the same tactics. And those who are fighting proxy wars on behalf of China are India’s leaders, intellectuals and social activists, whose back has been broken by the Modi government after it amended the FEMA and made it more difficult for them to get foreign funding and realise their destructive dreams.

This is the reason why this community has now targeted the farmers to achieve its nefarious ends and destabilise the country now. They intended to take Delhi in their grips but the Modi government has foiled their intentions. They have been made to sit on a dharna at the outskirts of Delhi and they are now instigating farmers. Unfortunately, sensing that assembly elections in Punjab are round the corner, these political parties like Akali Dal or even Aam Aadmi Party and the ruling Congress in the state, are playing the game of one-upmanship in a bid to grab power. And with this intent, they are fanning the farmers’ agitation. Instead of dousing the fire, they are adding fuel to it. These are the parties which talked about agricultural reform once, they talked about reforms in the APMC system, but since this work has now been done by the Modi government, they have been left with no option but to oppose the move.

This is an ideal time for China. Sitting quiet at the borders of India in Ladakh after an initial skirmish, it is now relishing every moment of what is happening in the national capital, knowing that the parties which backed it in the past, are again working for it inside India. The big Indian companies that were giving China a tough time in sectors like telecom, retail, production and technology, are now facing attacks in the name of the farmers’ agitation. An atmosphere is being created against them and efforts are being made to harm them.

If Modi’s dream of Atmanirbhar Bharat (self-sufficient India) is soon realised, China stands to lose a massive market, and this could increase its global challenges as it is perceived as a villain in the post-Covid world, while India has emerged as a country that has offered help to others. In such a situation, an India going from strength to strength needs to be broken from inside to benefit China, and this is the low-cost proxy war that is being waged through these left-leaning people. If China could achieve this just by doling out some sums to institutions affiliated to such political parties, giving some advertising support to ideologically apt publications, or taking their leaders on trips abroad, it would not need to fight a real war at the border.

China has learnt the art of proxy war from its friend Pakistan. The problem for it is the Modi government understands these intentions and desires of these people who raise their voice in support of China. And more than that, this government is one which follows the path shown by Sardar. That is why, it is not easy to bend this government, nor is it possible to fox it.

The forewarnings of Sardar were not heeded by Nehru seven decades ago, but the government led by Modi is following them fully. And this is true regarding China, about its Communist agents, and those who want to foment trouble by making farmers their scapegoat. The Modi government is not giving them any such opportunity. This is not new for Modi. From Gandhinagar to Delhi, in the past two decades, he has seen much of this and is used to this. Agitators cannot bend a leader like Modi and that is why they are venting their anger somewhere else, which is resulting in arson and violence. The country is watching all these proceedings including most farmers who are quietly going about their daily work. They will give a resounding reply to these people who are instigating violence like they have done time and again in the past few years.

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