India’s popular fitness brand is rebranding its app of the same name to, the company announced earlier today. already runs its fitness centres in India under the moniker, and the latest rebranding is its efforts to reach out to more users, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The new name will be effective from today, May 11 across all channels, including its app and social media accounts. Notably, all fitness packages integrated within the erstwhile app will be rebranded under moniker for a better reach. The fitness company notes that cultpass would house multiple pack choices under this name at different price points and access options.
Speaking over the development, Naresh Krishnaswamy, Growth and Marketing Head at said that the moniker has caught on with its users “in a big way”over the last few years. “With this transition, we want to cement that identity further. We want to become the one destination people think of going to when they have anything related to health and fitness on their minds. We hope that our rebranding effort will take us further in this direction, and we are incredibly excited for this new phase,” the senior executive added in a statement., which runs the chain across India, has remained one of the key players offering cross-fitness. Its app was among the first in the country to introduce e-fitness or tele-fitness services that gained prominence amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The platform also rolled out telemedicine services for a full-body checkup and personalised health plans. Recently, acquired California-based fitness company Onyx, to boost its at-home fitness offerings, as well as to bolster its international business model.
New name, same old love for fitness. Now, All our fitness products now come under one brand:!Over the last 5+ years, we’ve redefined fitness & made it fun for everyone. But while the name might have gotten a little makeover, the cool stuff is the same!????— (@cultfitOfficial) May 11, 2021
Both Google Play and Apple App Stores are reflecting the app under the new moniker, that is, the app.
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