23-year-old Girl Read Private Chat Of Her Best Friends And Then This Happened
23-year-old Girl Read Private Chat Of Her Best Friends And Then This Happened
The girl got hold of one of her best friend's phones when the latter was in a trial room while shopping for dresses.

When there is a group of three friends, we often see that two of them stay close while the third friend is teased by the other two. Sometimes some issues arise between our friends and the friendship gets broken. Recently, a girl shared a similar incident on social media. The girl discovered one day a shocking secret about her friends which broke her heart. She read some texts while clicking pictures on her friend’s phone which shocked her.

A 23-year-old girl recently shared her story on the social media platform Reddit, in a group named TwoHotTakes. The girl posted about an incident which broke her heart and ended up in losing her friends. The story was shared by a user named Dimplesinthedark.

According to the post, she had two good friends named Shelly and Gaby. The three friends were roommates in their college days. After finishing their graduation they continued to live together. They shared a strong bong but little did she know that Gabby and Shelly were more close to each other.

According to her post, Shelly was getting married and Gaby was her maid of honour while the girl who shared the story was one of the bridesmaids. She wrote, “Over the weekend I went with Shelly for shopping of her Wedding Dress. Gaby was also supposed to join us but she got engaged in some work. I helped Shelly to pick some dresses. After that, she went to the trial room to try out the dresses. Shelly then asked me to take some pictures of her and send them to her mom and Gaby. I was getting the camera ready when a text from Gaby came through. Mistakenly I clicked on the message while I was setting up the camera. I was instantly going to click the back button but then I saw one of the Instagram pictures in their private chat. Both made fun of me for my face and my outfits.” The girl was shocked after seeing the chats between her friends.

She searched for more such chats and started reading all their conversations. She also found many pictures of her along with her mom and boyfriend in the chat. Both of them made fun of all her pictures. This had been going on for around a year. By the time Shelly finished trying the dresses she completed reading the texts. After reading she handed over Shelly’s phone to a shop official and left the place. According to the post, she left the place crying.

After that, the girl decided to confront her friend. She told Shelly everything and also added that their texts made her upset. Instead of being sorry, Shelly got angry and accused her of invading her private space.

The girl posted on the social media platform and asked users whether she had done the right thing or not. Many people supported her and commented that continuing the friendship with Shelly and Gabby would be wrong after knowing their real faces

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