California Researchers Claim 2 People Communicated In Their Dreams
California Researchers Claim 2 People Communicated In Their Dreams
The REMspace experiment involved a device that tracked participants' brain waves and other biological data.

The researchers at REMspace, a California-based startup, successfully conducted an experiment which allowed individuals to communicate through lucid dreams. Using specially designed two individuals induced lucid dreams and exchanged a simple message. This historical phenomenon often envisioned and used in science fiction films seems to have become a reality, thanks to REMspace. This technology hasn’t been reviewed or validated by scientists till now. The researchers at REMspace believe that it can be a major milestone for sleep research, once approved. It can be used for mental health treatment, skills training and more.

Lucid dreaming, a special kind of dream state, occurs when a person is aware that they are dreaming while still in the dream state. This allows them to take self-directed actions in their dreams rather than randomly interacting with the ‘dream world’ without any sense of control. This phenomenon occurs during rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep) when dreams usually occur.

The REMspace experiment involved a device that tracked participants’ brain waves and other biological data. It also included a ‘server’ that detects when participants enter lucid dreams. The company, however, did not reveal what equipment was used in their experiment.

The experiment looked nothing different from a scene from the film Inception. Once the server detected that a participant had entered a lucid dream, it spoke a word from a special language and transmitted it to him through the earbuds. The participant then repeated the word in his dream. The response was then captured and stored on the server. Eight minutes later, the second participant entered a lucid dream. The server sent the stored message from the first participant to him, which he repeated upon waking up.

REMspace designs technology to enhance sleep and lucid dreaming. Michael Radunga, founder and CEO of REMspace conducted this experiment to achieve communication through dreams. Radunga is also known for attempting to implant a microchip in his brain to control dreams. The company used ‘specially designed equipment’ which included a ‘server’, a ‘device’, ‘WiFi’ and ‘sensors’. Take a look at the experiment here:

REMspace was able to repeat this experiment with another pair of participants. The study will have to undergo rigorous review. Raduga, 40, who is confident about their results, said, “We believe that REM sleep and its related phenomena, such as lucid dreaming, will become the next big industry after AI."

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