Lightning Strike In Madhya Pradesh Village Reduces 20-foot Tree To Ashes
Lightning Strike In Madhya Pradesh Village Reduces 20-foot Tree To Ashes
Locals recounted the moments of terror that gripped the village after the sudden, loud noise.

Humans may be the dominant species on the planet today but we are still humbled by nature and natural phenomena. Floods, cyclones and thunderstorms cause widespread damage to human lives as well as property and natural surroundings and we have no control over it. The people of Sumeri village in Sagar, Madhya Pradesh learnt it the hard way when a devastating lightning strike turned a local 20-foot tree into ashes within minutes.

In the village of Sumeri, located on Sagar Bhopal Road, the weather took a sudden turn after noon as dark clouds filled the sky. A drizzle began, soon intensifying into a heavy downpour. Strong winds accompanied the rain, prompting everyone to stay indoors. Suddenly, a flash of lightning was followed by a loud thunderclap, startling the villagers. After about 5-7 minutes, people cautiously stepped outside with umbrellas and noticed that the palm tree near Hanuman Singh’s house was on fire. Flames were leaping from the once lush green tree, with sparks scattering on the ground. Despite the rain, the tree was ablaze, leading the villagers to realize it had been struck by lightning. Within 5 minutes, the 20-foot-tall tree was reduced to ashes.

Rajkumar Singh Lambardar recounted the moments of terror that gripped the village after the sudden, loud noise echoed through the air. The entire community was engulfed in fear, unsure of what had happened. It took a great deal of courage for some villagers to step outside and investigate the source of the sound. Despite the terrifying incident, Rajkumar Singh expressed immense relief that no one was injured, and there was no damage to the surrounding property. The lightning had struck dangerously close to Hanuman Singh’s home, where his entire family was just a few feet away from the site of impact. Miraculously, they were unharmed. The family’s livestock, including a cow and a buffalo, were safely housed in the nearby cowshed, and the homes of other villagers in the vicinity were also left untouched by the fire.

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