Man Feeds Deer Every Day; What Happens Next Will Melt Your Heart - WATCH
Man Feeds Deer Every Day; What Happens Next Will Melt Your Heart - WATCH
The video starts with the man reaching home in his car and finding a deer inside his property.

The internet has ample videos which showcase wildlife in its purest form. Many of these also reflect on their peaceful co-existence with human lives. People who dwell near wild habitats often end up having close encounters with these animals who stray into residential areas in search of food and water. While it is obvious that wild animals pose a threat to humans, some individuals bond with them quite well.

Speaking along the same lines, a recent video which shows a man feeding a deer has grabbed the internet’s attention and is raking in likes. The clip was posted on Instagram a week ago with the caption, “You know you’re a good person when animals say it.”

A post shared by Tear Chronicles (@tearchronicles)

The video starts with the man reaching home in his car and finding a deer sitting inside his property. Soon, he guides the animal inside his house and feeds it. Interestingly, a few days into this ritual, the stag brings along a bunch of his friends to enjoy a grand feast. Next, the kind man can be seen feeding the entire herd of deer wholeheartedly.

Social media users were quick to react to this heart-melting video. A user humorously wrote, “Sir… you’re gonna need a bigger cup.” Another noted, “That deer posted dude’s address on his deerstagram page. Don’t think dude has ever been happier lol.”

A person also said, “People keep saying don’t feed the wild animals because we shouldn’t disturb their ability to stay wild. But don’t they realize that we already disturbed the wild animals by building our homes over theirs? I think feeding those starving animals is the least we can do for them, we should find a way to cohabit with them instead of removing them from our home, which was originally their home with trees. Those deers are super cute and he has so many friends to bring over.”

One of the accounts mentioned, “At that point you open a deer sanctuary.” A user even called the man Santa and wrote, “Plot twist. This guy is Santa.”

Someone also noted, “Everyone on here complaining about feeding the deer’s is just jealous that they don’t have 100 deers showing up at their house. Stop hating!”

Isn’t the man’s gesture heartwarming?

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