Optical Illusion: Can You Spot Faces In This Bakery Within 7 Seconds?
Optical Illusion: Can You Spot Faces In This Bakery Within 7 Seconds?
The question features a scene in a bakery, where a girl has come with her father.

We live in an era dominated by digital engagement. Most people find themselves engaged in various online activities, from watching viral videos to educational content. Recently, a new trend has captivated users’ attention, which is called optical illusions. This new trend tests one’s observational skills and patience levels. Recently, a challenging optical illusion has surfaced on the internet, prompting users to spot faces in a bakery shop within under 7 seconds. The optical illusion question was created by a page named Bright Side. The question features a scene in a bakery, in which a girl has come with her father. She is showing her father some of the pastries and cakes kept on the bakery shelf. One has to find faces on the shelf. Successfully spotting faces within a short period of time serves as a testament to one’s exceptional vision and observation powers.

Navigating this visual puzzle proves to be no easy feat. Those willing to embark on the challenge will need a keen eye and a dose of patience to unravel the secrets hidden within the optical illusion.

For those who may find the task a little bit hard, there are some helpful hints that are available to ease the process. The key clue lies among the cakes placed on the racks. Now, look closely; you might find it.


So, the answer to this optical illusion challenge is that a total of five faces are hidden in the bakery. The first one is located in the first rack in the middle tray, where a couple of square-shaped pastries are kept. The first face is in the second-last pastry from the right-hand side. While the next one is seen in the next tray where cotton candies are kept. The third and fourth faces are in the extreme right-hand side chocolate cookie jar. The last one is located on the rack among the cup cakes. The fifth face is seen in the extreme right cup cake covered with a glass.

This puzzle was a simple test of one’s observation and intelligence skills. If you were able to find the number of faces within 7 seconds, you have an outstanding eye for detail and amazing detective skills. If you couldn’t, a little bit of practice could get you there in no time.

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