This Thrilling Wildlife Encounter Between Leopard And Warthog Is Not For Faint-Hearted
This Thrilling Wildlife Encounter Between Leopard And Warthog Is Not For Faint-Hearted
In a spectacular wildlife encounter captured on camera in Kruger National Park, a leopard pulled off a perfect ambush on an unsuspecting warthog.

A man recently captured a deadly encounter between a warthog and a leopard in South Africa’s Kruger National Park. For those who don’t know, Warthogs are wild members of the pig family (Suidae) that live in grasslands, savanna and woodlands in Sub-Saharan Africa. Merwe van Niekerk, a dentist, shot the stunning footage, recording the leopard’s strategy that eventually led the warthog to walk directly into its trap.

He uploaded the video of the occurrence with Latest Sightings and described how the incident took place near a camping location. “The roads were dead quiet, and we hardly saw any animals for a while. Then, my wife said something that caught her eye, and thought it might have been a leopard. When we reversed the vehicle, there it was, a beautiful leopard, just lying under a tree," Merwe van Niekerk was quoted as saying by Latest Sightings.

He added that the warthog was unaware of its fate while the leopard couldn’t believe its luck. “The lunch was practically strolling straight up to him," van Niekerk told the platform.

According to the video, once the leopard spotted its target, it crouched behind a clump of grass as the warthog approached it, completely unaware of its presence. The warthog, however, paused a bit and most likely opted to inspect the surroundings. But eventually, it overlooked its ‘gut feeling’ — ‘the last mistake it ever made’, as described by the dentist.

In an instant, the leopard made a savage attack, killing the warthog in an unavoidable move. After the big hunt, the leopard carried the warthog’s body across the road before disappearing into the bushes.

Shared on YouTube on May 25, the video has collected over 63,000 views. One commented, “Leopards have perfect camouflage". Another wrote, “And the accuracy of the takedown, they are beasts." A few hilariously commented, “Crazy how animals can sense danger and still walk right into it."

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