This Volcano In Antarctica Spews Gold Worth A Fortune Everyday
This Volcano In Antarctica Spews Gold Worth A Fortune Everyday
The gold particles, referred to as 'gold dust,' measure no more than 20 micrometres in size.

We are all aware of how valuable gold is and how much sought after it is in the world. What if we tell you that there is a place in the world where gold worth a fortune is generated daily? But the most tragic part of it all is that you cannot get to it. The snow-covered continent of Antarctica, one of the most isolated places in the world, has many active volcanoes. There is one volcano spewing gold dust worth a small fortune every day.

According to a study by IFL Science, Mount Erebus, one of the continent’s most formidable and tallest active volcanoes, is emitting more than just smoke. The report indicates that the volcano releases pockets of gas containing solidified gold daily, with an estimated value of approximately Rs 5 lakh.

The gold particles, referred to as “gold dust,” measure no more than 20 micrometres in size. Throughout the day, the accumulation of these particles can amount to approximately 80 grams of gold. Additionally, scientists observed that the gold dust disperses extensively, as traces of the gold were detected in the ambient air up to 1,000 kilometres away from Mount Erebus.

Unfortunately, the gold, which is worth a fortune, cannot be collected as this area is 621 miles away from the southernmost volcanic vent on Earth. It is completely covered with snow and is at an altitude of 12,448 feet.

According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Earth Observatory, gas is continuously coming out from the icy volcano here, which apart from gold, contains many other precious metals. At times, it also emits rocks. Professor Connor Bacon at New York’s Columbia University told Live Science that the Erebus volcano has been erupting continuously since 1972. Its peak is filled with lava, which is made up of molten materials on its surface. This is quite rare. Despite being covered with snow, this surface never freezes. However, much remains to be understood about it.

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