While renovating your house, the possibility of discovering valuable relics is low but never zero. Something similar happened with a couple in England when they found several coins, seemingly centuries old, under their kitchen floorboards.
The couple, Robert and Betty Fuchs, were renovating their farmhouse in Dorset when they stumbled upon a collection of 17th-century coins under their kitchen. According to more information, their property is a 17th-century cottage called the South Poorton Farm situated in West Dorset, Southern England. The couple bought the house in 2019.
For the renovation, they wanted to build a higher ceiling by removing the concrete floor of their kitchen. So, while breaking the floor, Robert found a whole porcelain pot of 1000 valuable coins around 400 years old. After the discovery, the couple contacted the local authorities and they took the coins to the British Museum for cleaning and identification.
Talking about how they discovered the coins, Betty said, “One evening, my husband was digging with a pick axe when he called to say they’ve found something. He put all the coins in a bucket.” She added that if they had not decided to renovate the floor the coins would have stayed hidden.
According to the Duke’s Auctioneers website, the British Museum believes that these coins are from the years 1642 and 1644, the time of the English Civil War. These 1029 coins were found to be the currencies of King James I and King Charles I eras. The hoard also includes Elizabeth I silver shillings as well as coins from Queen Mary I’s time.
As per the reports, the couple sold these coins in an auction held on April 23. They sold it for an amount of Rs 62.88 lakh. The gold coins of King Charles I got the highest price selling at an amount of Rs 5.17 lakh. For King James 1 silver coins from 1621, a collector paid Rs 2.80 lakh.
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