‘I Simply Have Conversations With People’: Neil Young-fan Joe Rogan Reacts To Controversy
‘I Simply Have Conversations With People’: Neil Young-fan Joe Rogan Reacts To Controversy
Joe Rogan highlighted that he invites people who have differing opinions on his podcast and does not stick any singular perspective on any topic.

Joe Rogan, the host of the famous Joe Rogan podcast, in an Instagram video reacted to the recent controversy related to Covid-19 and contesting views on vaccination against Covid-19. Rogan’s comments come after famous singer Neil Young removed his music from Spotify claiming that the music streaming platform was sharing misinformation on Covid.


“A lot of people have a distorted view of what I do based on soundbites and based on headlines,” Joe says in the beginning of his almost 10-minute long video highlighting later that his shows are freewheeling conversations happening in real time and his podcasts – which often go beyond one or even three hours – are staged or pre-planned.

“I do not know if they are right. I am not a doctor or a scientist. I am just a person who sits down with people and has conversations with them. Do I get things wrong? Absolutely! But I try to correct them whenever I get something wrong,” Joe explained. “I am not interested in talking to people who have only one perspective,” he further added. He supported his point of view by saying that he invited medical reporter and neurosurgeon Sanjay Gupta and member of US president Joe Biden Covid advisory board Dr Michael Osterholm and also pediatrician Dr Peter Hotez.

Joe Rogan also said that he is not against Neil Young and says he is a big fan. “Neil Young removed his music from the platform along with Joni Mitchell. I feel sorry that they feel that way. I most certainly don’t want that. I have always been a Neil Young fan,” Joe said.

He said that he agrees with Spotify to use a disclaimer before posting a podcast related to Covid-19. “I am very happy with that,” he said. He also agreed to try and schedule podcasts countering opinions expressed in a previous podcast. “I can try to have more experts with differing opinions right after the controversial ones. I would be open to doing that,” he said.

“These podcasts are very strange because often I do not have the idea regarding what I am going to talk about until I sit with them,” Joe said reflecting on the freewheeling nature of his podcasts. “These are just conversations and it is also the appeal of the show,” he further added.

“The podcast has been accused of spreading dangerous misinformation, specifically about two episodes… One with Dr. Peter McCullough and one with Dr Robert Malone. Dr. Peter McCullough is a cardiologist and the most published physician in his field. Dr Robert Malone owns nine patents on the creation of mRNA vaccine technology and is partially responsible for creation of the technology that led to the development of mRNA vaccines,” Joe said.

He said both of them have highly credentialed and very accomplished people and said that their opinions differed from that of others. “I wanted to hear what their opinion is,” he said.

He said that he has a problem with the word misinformation. “Many of the things we thought of as misinformation, just a short while ago, are now accepted as facts,” Joe said. He then highlighted that months ago it was objectionable to mention on social media that despite being vaccinated one could get Covid along with other facts like usage of cloth masks. He said mere mentioning of those could lead to social media ban.

“If you said, I think it’s possible that Covid-19 came from a lab, you would be banned from many social media platforms. Now that is on the cover of Newsweek,” Joe said. “All those theories that at one point of time were banned were openly discussed by those two men who were on my podcast that have been accused of dangerous misinformation,” Joe said.

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