Pakistan Minority Groups Hold Rally Outside White House Against 'Genocide'
Pakistan Minority Groups Hold Rally Outside White House Against 'Genocide'
Scores of representatives from the Mohajir, Baloch, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pashtun, and other religious minorities arrived in front of the White House in the form of a rally from the Dupont Circle.

Washington: Representatives from various ethnic and religious minorities of Pakistan have held a peaceful demonstration in front of the White House here against what they described as "the worst kind of genocide" they are facing in Pakistan and asked the international community to help them exercise the right to self-determination.

The ruling Pakistani establishment is driving ethnic identities towards eradication, they alleged.

"It is now incumbent that International Community must understand our plight, and help us achieve the Right of Self Determination," said Rehan Ibadat, central organizer, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) USA.

"As a collective effort we have gathered today to represent all the oppressed ethnic groups residing in the current geographical boundaries of Pakistan. We Mohajir, Baloch, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pashtun, and other religious minorities demands separate land by exercising our right to self determination," participants of the protest said in a joint statement.

Scores of representatives from the Mohajir, Baloch, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pashtun, and other religious minorities arrived in front of the White House in the form of a rally from the Dupont Circle. They were carrying posters and banners displaying the atrocities against the ethnic and religious minorities of Pakistan.

"We, ethnic minorities are facing worst form of genocide against the mankind. The ongoing enforced disappearances, extra-judicial killings, and denial of basic human rights by this ferocious law enforcement agencies of Pakistan, particularly Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) are the primary factors," they said.

Nabi Bakhsh Baloch, who represents Baloch National Movement in the US, alleged that Pakistan is a state sponsor of terrorism and epicenter of global jihadist movements and militant groups involved in cross border terror attacks against its neighbours India and Afghanistan; creating an environment of political instability and zones of conflict that could lead to large scale war and nuclear catastrophe.

Speaking on behalf of the people of Gilgit and Baltistan, Senge H Sering said Pakistan has received billions in dollars from the US for fight against terrorism, but has only caused more harm to the United States.

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