Video: Canadian Couple Claim To Have Spotted Aliens As Bright-Colored UFOs Light Up Night Sky
Video: Canadian Couple Claim To Have Spotted Aliens As Bright-Colored UFOs Light Up Night Sky
The yellow-coloured mysterious obs were spotted by Justin Stevenson and his wife, Danielle Daniels-Stevenson, over the Winnipeg River.

Justin Stevenson and his wife, Danielle Daniels-Stevenson, were left stunned while they were driving through Fort Alexander on May 14 as they spotted mysterious orbs with yellow lights over the Winnipeg River. The couple, according to the New York Post, saw two glowing UFOs “as bright as the sun".

They said that the bright orbs flew south before disappearing behind a cloud.

Stevenson, who identifies as a sceptic of extraterrestrial life, described the experience as “like being in a sci-fi movie," noting that the objects appeared “super bright, like a fire in the sky". They were quick to record the footage and pondered if they were part of an extraterrestrial encounter.

“Yo, I think we’re seeing some aliens," he could be heard saying in the background of the video he uploaded on Facebook.

Following the encounter, Stevenson told the New York-based newspaper that he is now convinced that there is indeed life beyond Earth.

“I was sceptical before I saw this but now this has given me the proof I need that there’s something out there other than humans," he was quoted as saying by the New York Post.

There has been a noticeable increase in UFO sightings in Canada over the past year. There have been at least 17 UFO sighting reports made.

Reliable sources, such as pilots and flight crews from airlines including WestJet, Air France, and British Airways, have reported these phenomena.

In February 2023, two airlines observed unusual lights in the sky over Quebec, and one crew member described the sighting as “a bit weird".

These sightings are recorded in an aviation incident database maintained by Transport Canada.

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