David Warner’s comical side was on full display in a video shared by Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise Delhi Capitals. The Capitals shared a playful video on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) ahead of their upcoming IPL fixture against the Gujarat Titans. In the video, Warner was seen speaking a few Hindi words while being lured by a comedian with offers such as watching a film or getting a free meal. The Aussie batter, however, reluctantly refused every situation until hilariously agreeing to get his Aadhaar Card created for free. Excited with the prospect of getting a free Aadhaar Card, Warner picked up the comedian in arms and started running on the cricket field. “Finally, Warner now has a_?”, read the caption of the post.
Finallyyyyyy, Warner now has a _______?— Delhi Capitals (@DelhiCapitals) April 23, 2024
The playful remark about getting David Warner an Aadhaar Card reflects upon the Australian’s deep ties to the IPL since 2009. He has been one of IPL’s greatest-ever cricketers, competing in the tournament for 14 seasons. Since making his IPL debut nearly 15 years ago, the Australia cricketer has represented two franchises including the Surnirsers Hyderabad and the Delhi Capitals (formerly Delhi Daredevils).
David Warner has also consistently delivered in the tournament, bagging 6564 runs in 183 matches. Warner is the fourth-highest scorer and also the record holder for the most half-centuries scored in IPL history. He boasts a career average of 40.77 at a strike rate of 139.81 in the T20 tournament. Warner won the IPL trophy in 2016 with the Sunrisers Hyderabad.
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David Warner returned to his former side Delhi Capitals in 2022. He consistently showed up for his side across the two seasons. This year, the Rishabh Pant-led squad has struggled for form.
In their previous match, the Delhi Capitals suffered a 67-run defeat at the hands of Sunrisers Hyderabad. The Pat Cummins-led side amassed a whopping 266 runs in the first innings at a loss of seven wickets. During the run chase, Delhi Capitals lost Prithvi Shaw early. David Warner also struggled against his former side, scoring a single run in three balls. Delhi Capitals were, eventually, dismissed for 199. They will next take on Gujarat Titans on April 24 at the Arun Jaitley Stadium in Delhi.
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