Spain's Fabregas ready to play despite pain
Spain's Fabregas ready to play despite pain
"I am ready to get an injection in order to play," he added. "If Del Bosque needs me I'll be there."

Potchefstroom: Spain midfielder Cesc Fabregas is prepared to have a pain-killing injection in his sore shoulder to be available for the European champions' World Cup semi-final against Germany on Wednesday.

"It's painful but when you are up for it it's fine," he was quoted as saying in Monday's edition of Sport newspaper.

"I am ready to get an injection in order to play," he added. "If (coach Vicente) Del Bosque needs me I'll be there."

Fabregas sustained the injury in Saturday's quarter-final victory against Paraguay after coming on as a substitute shortly after halftime to replace Fernando Torres.

He spent most of Sunday evening's training session in the gym as a precautionary measure.

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