3 Telltale Signs That Ground Turkey Has Gone Bad
3 Telltale Signs That Ground Turkey Has Gone Bad
Your recipe calls for ground turkey, but how long has that package been in your fridge or freezer? If you’re wondering if your ground turkey is still safe to eat, there are a few ways to know whether you should cook it or just throw it away. Keep reading, and we’ll cover everything you need to know about checking your turkey for spoilage and keeping it fresh.
Things You Should Know
  • Check if your turkey has a bad sour-smelling odor to know if it’s spoiled.
  • Toss out your ground turkey if it has a slimy texture.
  • Get rid of ground turkey if it darkens or dulls to a dark gray color, a sure sign it’s gone bad.

Signs Ground Turkey is Spoiled

Sour odor Give your ground turkey a quick sniff to check it for odors. While it’s still fresh, ground turkey won’t have much of an odor, but it will start smelling off-putting as soon as bacteria starts forming. Raw and cooked ground turkey start to develop odors when they go bad.

Slimy texture Press your finger lightly into the meat. Ground turkey will feel slightly moist while it’s still fresh. As bacteria starts to grow, it will develop a slimy or sticky feeling. If frozen ground turkey feels slimy after it thaws, then it’s spoiled. Don’t forget to wash your hands after touching raw turkey so you don’t spread any bacteria.

Dark, dull meat If you have fresh ground turkey, the meat will have a light pink or beige color. Once the meat turns a darker brown or has a gray color, it’s a sign that it’s starting to go bad. Ground turkey may have variations in color depending on differences in the animal, such as its age, breed, and diet. Frozen ground turkey may also darken in color, so always check the odor and texture to confirm if it’s spoiled or not.

How long is ground turkey good for?

Use fresh ground turkey within 2 days of buying it. Ground meat starts to spoil faster than larger cuts of meat since there’s more surface area where bacteria could develop. Keep track of when you bought your turkey from the grocery store so you can either cook or freeze it before it spoils. After you cook ground turkey, you can safely store and eat it for 2–3 days.

Freeze ground turkey for 3–4 months for the best quality. As long as your turkey is in an airtight container, it will stay fresh and flavorful until you’re ready to cook it. Just know that if you keep your turkey in the freezer for longer, the more it might give the meat a stale, freezer-burnt taste. Still check the odor and texture of the meat after you thaw the ground turkey to ensure it hasn’t gone bad. If it’s slimy or has an odd, sour smell, toss it out.

Can you still cook ground turkey once it goes bad?

No, cooking spoiled ground turkey can still make you sick. The bacteria and toxins that form on ground turkey once it goes bad are heat resistant, so they’ll still be on the meat after you cook them. Eating any meat with the harmful bacteria could cause nausea, vomiting, and other flu-like symptoms, so it’s best to just toss it in the trash.

Tips for Storing Ground Turkey

Keep ground turkey refrigerated until you cook it. Put raw meat in a plastic container or a sheet pan before setting it in your fridge so the juices and bacteria don’t contaminate any other food. Make sure your fridge is set below 40 °F (4 °C) so bacteria doesn’t form as quickly.

Thaw frozen turkey in the fridge overnight. If you put your ground turkey in the freezer, take it out the night before and put it in your fridge so the temperature slowly rises. That way, your turkey never goes into the “danger zone,” which are higher temperatures where bacteria grow and cause the meat to spoil. If you’re using the ground turkey right away, you can put it in the microwave. Chunks of ground turkey smaller than a golf ball will break down and cook through when you heat it up.

Refrigerate cooked ground turkey within 2 hours of cooking it. Try to put away any leftovers as soon as you’re finished cooking so you don’t risk any spoilage. Keep your ground turkey in airtight containers and label them with the date. Try to finish all your cooked ground turkey within 1–2 days while it’s still fresh and safe to eat.

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