Support Ticket
The only official way to contact Starlink is via a support ticket. You can submit a support ticket on the Starlink website or in the Starlink app. This is the best way to contact Starlink about an issue with your account or other customer service concerns. Starlink app: Open the Starlink app and sign in to your account. On the main screen tap Support, then tap the Contact Support button. Starlink website: Go to the Starlink website and sign in to your account. Click the Support tab and click Contact Support. Alternatively, you can click this link and sign in to create a support ticket.
Mention @Starlink in a tweet. While this isn't advertised on Starlink's website, some users have been able to resolve minor issues by tagging the @Starlink Twitter/X account in a post describing the problem. As Starlink doesn't list this as a method of contacting customer support, it may take a while for you to get a reply, or you may not get one at all. To maximize your chance of getting help, fill out a support ticket as outlined in the first method.
Phone Number
Starlink doesn't have a public phone number. However, you may be able to get some general questions answered if you call SpaceX, which Starlink is a division of. SpaceX's phone number is 310-363-6000. This is not a customer support number, so the representative you speak to likely won't be able to answer any specific questions about accounts or Starlink services.
Starlink doesn't have any public email addresses. There are, however, three SpaceX email addresses for privacy policy issues, copyright infringement issues, or media inquiries. Starlink is a division of SpaceX, so you may be able to get some help from these email addresses for specific issues: Privacy policy issues: [email protected] Copyright infringement: [email protected] Media inquiries: [email protected]
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