What weapons do ninjas use?
Ninjatō A ninjatō is a short, straight sword that is suitable for slicing and stabbing. The 40 cm blade made the ninjatō an efficient weapon for close-combat. Since it’s small and easy to handle, ninjas used the ninjatō to attack their enemy’s vital points. When a ninja was captured, they often used the ninjatō to end their lives. This was to avoid revealing confidential information.
Katana Katana were a common sword used by ninjas. Although the katana is often associated with samurai, it was used by ninja in a variety of situations because of its sharp, tough blade. The ninja katana is shorter than a samurai’s, increasing speed and making it easier to maneuver in tight spaces.
Tantō A tantō is a small dagger that ninjas used in close-quarters combat. The sharp blade is capable of piercing through armor, while the small size makes it useful as a utility blade. The small stature also made the tantō useful for piercing through gaps in armor.
Shuriken (Throwing Stars) Shuriken are one of the most iconic ninja weapons. They are sharp stars that are thrown by ninja , often with extreme accuracy and force. These versatile weapons were extremely useful for stealth attacks, as they allowed for lethal moves from a distance. Sometimes, ninjas coated their shuriken with poison to ensure a hit was lethal. Shuriken were sometimes used to slash and stab in close combat situations. Shuriken, also called ninja stars, are the most popular ninja weapon in the world.
Kunai Kunai were a popular weapon used by ninjas. Despite the notion in popular culture that kunai were thrown to damage or incapacitate enemies from afar, ninjas actually used them to dig and anchor objects.
Fukiya (Blowguns) Fukiya, also known as blowguns, are a stealthy weapon that ninjas used to take down enemies without being noticed. Fukiyas fire darts or small shards of metal that are typically coated with poison. These projectiles are usually fired from a distance to avoid being spotted. Skilled ninjas were able to accurately use a fukiya from vast distances. When a fukiya is fired, it is extremely quiet, which meant enemies who were hit by it were often unaware of the ninja before they were incapacitated.
Bō-Shuriken Bō-Shuriken are small metal spikes that were often thrown by ninja. They were typically used as a secondary weapon, being thrown when an opportunity to hit the enemy arose. Due to their tiny frame, they are easy to control. But, the tiny frame also makes them harder to throw, as any rotation can result in inaccuracy. Bō-Shuriken are usually single or double pointed.
Kusarigama A kusarigama, also known as a chain sickle, consists of a sickle, which is a small scythe-like weapon, and a weight at the end of a long chain. Ninjas used kusarigama for close-quarters combat and long distance situations, as the chain added versatility and made for attacks that were beyond the enemy’s prediction. A kusarigama was also useful for constraining enemies and defending against their swords.
Makibishi The makibishi (foot spikes) are elusive ground spikes that were used to slow down pursuing enemies by piercing their feet. When used strategically, ninja were able to control enemy actions and keep them out of the picture to facilitate raids, assassinations, and escapes without major interference.
Smoke Bombs Smoke bombs are a classic ninja tool. In sticky situations, like an escape or distraction, ninjas would slam smoke bombs on the ground to create an instant cloud of smoke that helped conceal their movements and reshape the battlefield. The smoke would blind and confuse enemies, which ninjas would use to their advantage defensively and offensively. Smoke bombs helped contribute to the misconception that ninjas are supernatural beings, as they would often disappear in a cloud of smoke by throwing a smoke bomb and running into the night.
Concealed Spikes Ninja would often conceal spikes in their feet, arms, and other areas of their body. These concealed spikes were useful for situations that called for close-combat, as the spikes added a lethal slicing effect when used on the feet and fists. These spikes would sometimes be attached to wearable items, resulting in weapons like shukō, which are spiked leather arm rings.
What weapons do female ninjas use?
Neko-te Female ninjas, known in Japanese as kunoichi, used finger sheaths called neko-te. A neko-te features metal claws that are extremely sharp. These sharp, catlike claws were typically coated in poison, serving as an effective weapon that could incapacitate an enemy with a swipe. Kunoichi would typically slip on one or multiple neko-te and quickly swipe at the enemy when they were close.
Tessen (Steel Fans) Tessen were foldable steel fans that were used to take down enemies with blunt force. They were also used to defend from attacks, specifically darts and knives. Due to their foldable nature, they could be hidden in plain sight by being sheathed into a piece of clothing.
Kanzashi (Hairpins) Kunoichi used long, sharp hairpins called kanzashi that could be hidden in their hair. These hairpins could be sharpened and used to attack vital points of an enemy’s body. They were also often dipped in poison, which assisted in delivering a fatal blow when used.
Who were the ninja?
Ninja were agents employed for espionage, infiltration, and assassination. Ninjas were spies who were highly skilled in the art of stealth and guerilla warfare. They were thought to have been poor peasants who used their wits to protect themselves from samurai. They were known for their counterintelligence operations, which involved infiltrating enemy territory and covertly gathering intelligence. Ninja are thought to have originated from the mountain regions of Honshu, Japan’s largest island. The ninja operated until the Edo period (1603-1868), when peace led to their natural decline. But, they are rumored to be active today, just underground. Their stealthy assassinations were carried out with an extensive arsenal of weapons, each of which was versatile and suitable for various offensive and defensive situations. In pop culture, they have the reputation of silent, stealthy killers.
How were ninja weapons used?
Ninja used their weapons flexibly, as many were multipurpose. Ninjas often planned their attacks ahead of time with extreme precision and adaptability. Depending on the situation, different weapons would be used in order for a mission to be successful. Ninjas would also pair their weapons with the environment to their advantage, with some ninjas even using their weapons to scale walls. Some situations would call for distant attacks using a fukiya, while others would call for a close, lethal attack using ninjatō or neko-te.
What’s the difference between ninja and samurai?
Samurai were elite warriors bound by codes, while ninjas were free spies. Ninjas didn’t belong to one particular class. Nor were they required to abide by a stringent set of rules. Samurai, on the other hand, had to follow a strict code of conduct called Bushido, in which they adhered to principles of honor, discipline, and loyalty. They both served lords, but Samurai primarily protected them, while ninjas often carried out their orders. Samurai weren’t as stealthy as ninja. They often fought in the open and were disciplined swordsmen.
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