He Calls Me Babe but I’m Not His Girlfriend: 5 Reasons Why
He Calls Me Babe but I’m Not His Girlfriend: 5 Reasons Why
When someone calls you a pet name like “babe,” you typically expect it to be your boyfriend or your partner. But if there’s a guy who isn’t your boyfriend calling you “babe,” it can be a little confusing to figure out what he means. Fortunately, there are a couple common reasons why he might be giving you this nickname even when you two aren’t together. To find out why he calls you babe and for tips on how to respond, keep reading.

Why He Calls You Babe

He’s flirting with you. When a guy calls you babe, he might be trying to tease you or make you blush. If you two already have a flirty connection, then it’s very likely that he’s trying to create a deeper, more intimate connection with you. By calling you “babe,” he’s making you think about what it would be like to be his girlfriend. He’s probably hoping that you like what you imagine! Watch for other signs of flirting, like making a lot of eye contact with you or laughing at all your jokes (even when they aren’t funny).

He’s interested in you. When a guy calls you babe, it’s often because he wants to be your boyfriend. He might be sending you signals that he likes you or that he wants to make you his girlfriend soon. Either way, it’s a good sign, especially if you’re into him. Because pet names like “babe” are often reserved for couples, he’s letting you know that he’d like to couple up with you. If he likes you, he might also want to spend a lot of time with you one-on-one or always initiate conversations over text.

He wants to make you feel special. If he’s a close friend or someone you’re talking to, calling you “babe” might be his way of showing you how much he cares. Instead of calling you “dude” or “bro” like he would any other friend, he’s giving you a sweet pet name to show his affection toward you. This is another sign that he might be into you, especially if you two are close or you’ve already gotten some flirty vibes from him. If you two have been friends for a while, calling you “babe” might be his way of trying to get out of the friend zone.

He’s had a couple of drinks. Have you ever noticed that guys get a little flirtier after they’re tipsy? If you two are hanging out at a bar or a club and he all of the sudden starts calling you “babe,” it’s likely that the alcohol has given him some much-needed liquid courage. While the drinks might be an excuse, it’s likely that he has a crush on you when he’s sober, too. Some people just get especially flirty while drunk. If you notice that he calls everyone “babe” after a few stiff drinks, then don’t read too much into it.

He’s being patronizing. Unfortunately, some guys will call you “babe” when they want to talk down to you. This is especially common in the workplace or with a guy you’ve just met. If he’s calling you “babe” in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, he may be trying to irritate you by speaking to you in a derogatory way. For instance, maybe a coworker calls you “babe,” but calls your male colleague by his name. This is a sign that he doesn’t respect you as much as your male coworker. If you’re dealing with this at work, report him to HR. You deserve to be treated with respect in the workplace, and someone calling you “babe” is very unprofessional.

Responding If You like Him

Call him “babe” back. If he’s calling you babe and you’re into it, you’re free to do the same! Call him “babe” in person or over text, or give him a different pet name that’s even cuter. “What’s up, babe?” “Hey babe, how was your day?” “Hi cutie, how are you today?”

Flirt with him. Send him signals back that you like him, too. To flirt, make eye contact and smile at him, touch him on the arm or the shoulder, and compliment what he’s wearing. Hopefully, this will boost his confidence enough to either ask you out or to make you his girlfriend. Over text, show interest in him by asking him how his day was or telling him that you can’t wait to see him again.

Ask him on a date. If you like this guy and you’re pretty sure he likes you too, there’s no need to wait! Ask him out for a picnic in the park or coffee at a cute coffee shop. Make sure to emphasize the word “date” so he understands this is something romantic (guys sometimes need a pretty big hint to understand that). “I’ve really enjoyed talking to you lately. Are you free this weekend? I’d love to take you on a date.” “There’s a new cafe that opened near my house. Want to meet there for coffee tomorrow morning? I’d love to take you out!”

Responding If You Don’t Like Him

Ignore him. If a guy calls you babe and you don’t give him any reaction, he’ll probably stop. Instead of acting annoyed or angry, simply move on from the conversation like he didn’t say anything weird. In the future, try to avoid this guy as much as possible if you don’t want to deal with him anymore. It’s not required, but it might be the best way to stop him from calling you babe without confronting him. If you can’t avoid him entirely (maybe you go to school with him or work with him), keep your interactions brief and to the point.

Ask him why he’s calling you babe. Sometimes, a guy calling you “babe” just won’t stop. If he’s getting on your last nerves, talk to him alone and ask him why, exactly, he’s calling you babe. “Is there a reason you’re calling me ‘babe’ and not by my name?” “I’ve noticed that you call me ‘babe’ a lot. Is there any particular reason why?”

Tell him you don’t want to be called that. Set a clear boundary that you don’t appreciate being called “babe,” and ask him to call you by your name instead. Hopefully, he’ll recognize the error of his ways and be more respectful toward you in the future. “Could you stop calling me ‘babe’? It makes me feel uncomfortable.” “From now on, just call me by my name, okay?” If you ask a guy to stop calling you “babe” and he won’t, it’s time to talk to someone in charge. Let your boss, teacher, or principal know that you’re having issues with this guy and that he won’t respect your wishes.

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