How Long Will a Pisces Man Stay Mad? What to Expect & What to Do
How Long Will a Pisces Man Stay Mad? What to Expect & What to Do
So, you've gotten into an argument with a Pisces man. Disagreements happen in relationships, but now he isn't acting like his dreamy and playful self–what do you do? We've got all the information you need to know about an angry Pisces man. Keep reading to learn why your Pisces man is mad and what you can do to get him to forgive you.This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

How long does a Pisces man stay mad?

Pisces may hold a grudge if you don’t smooth things over. Being a water sign, he's a rather emotional person. You could even say he's the most emotional of all the zodiac signs. His ever-shifting moods can flow with or against the current, so don't be shocked if he gives you the cold shoulder for a while. That said, Pisces isn’t immune to a sincere apology, and his sensitive soul can actually help him be very forgiving.

How a Pisces Man Acts When Mad

He gives you the cold shoulder. Pisces is symbolized by the fish. This symbol represents the duality and depth of his personality. When he's angry, he may seem like an entirely different guy. He might make snippy comments, start pouting, or even brush you off. Pisces is all about vibes, feelings, and emotions. And when he’s mad, he’ll make sure to wallow in his frustrations.

He bottles up his emotions and acts distant. Sensitive Pisces may internalize feelings as a way to cope with anger. The 12th House, or House of Unconscious, rules his world, and he might think keeping his emotions to himself will help him transform and evolve. There's something wonderful and mysterious about his anger, and he may lock them away to explore the feeling further. By suppressing his anger, he's trying to avoid the cause of his distress.

He ignores you completely. A Pisces man would rather push his anger aside than deal with the situation at hand. He's overly sensitive, and even the smallest comment can push him over the edge. Because of this, he'll do his best to avoid you. This may look like sending your call straight to voicemail, leaving you on read, or going to a different room when you walk in. He's not doing this to be mean. He just needs time to calm his raging waters.

How to Get a Pisces Man to Forgive You

The first step towards a Pisces man forgiving you is saying, "I'm sorry." He's an extremely sensitive man, and his feelings are easily hurt. A sincere apology can mend his wounds and get him back on his feet. Explain why you're sorry when you apologize. This is a great way to tell him you know what went wrong and are ready to mend the relationship. Try saying something like, “I’m sorry I yelled. It won’t happen again,” or, “I’m sorry. I was overwhelmed and it was foolish of me to do that. Can you forgive me?” If you feel like you have nothing to apologize for, talk it out. Sometimes hearing why you're both hurting can help you realize faults on either side.

A Pisces man needs a partner who will actively listen to him. He's an empath, feeling everyone's emotions even when he doesn't want to. Because of this, his own emotions are intensified, and he may feel invisible in all of the noise. So, when he comes to you, listen to him attentively. Compassion and understanding will go a long way in a relationship with a Pisces. Give him a shoulder to lean on, and he'll give you one in return.

Being supportive will win you big points with sensitive Pisces. Rather than being cold towards him when he's upset, be compassionate. Giving him time to think and work through his emotions on his own will show him that you truly care. Try not to push his boundaries. He values respect, and respecting his space and privacy will mean the world to him. With Jupiter being one of his rulers, he has the natural ability to care and support others. A partner who can give the same amount of love and respect won't go unnoticed.

The best thing you can do to gain a Pisces’ forgiveness is prove yourself. Being the most emotional of the zodiac signs, a Pisces can't afford to get hurt over and over again. It may take a while for him to trust you again, but you can prove yourself worthy of his love by never making the same mistake again. Remember, actions speak louder than words. Keep from repeating the action or phrase that made him mad.

A Pisces man’s motto is “keep moving forward.” He needs a flexible partner. If you’re too rigid or stern, he’ll run. Once he forgives you, he's ready to move on. He doesn't want you to bring up past disagreements or arguments. In his mind, what's done is done. Rather than mentioning past arguments or disagreements, talk about the future and what you hope to do with him moving forward.

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