The Root Chakra
About the Root Chakra: The root chakra is the foundation for balance among all your chakras. It’s a swirling ball or disc of red energy located at the base of your spine. It’s responsible for your sense of physical security and connects you to basic survival needs like food, water, and shelter. When it’s open and balanced, you feel sturdy, grounded, and safe. The root chakra is red and related to the element earth. An open root chakra is important in unblocking your upper chakras.
How to Tell if Your Root Chakra is Blocked: The root chakra is blocked by fear. When it’s blocked (underbalanced), you might experience anxiety, nightmares, spaciness, and an inability to take action. If it’s overbalanced (hyperactive), you feel an unhealthily strong connection to the physical world and creature comforts. An overbalanced root chakra might manifest as an over-indulgence in food or sex, an unhealthy attachment to money and wealth, or an obsession with safety and security. A blocked root chakra might also cause physical ailments like issues with your colon and bladder that cause painful or frequent trips to the bathroom. Pain in your lower back, legs, or feet are common, as well as arthritis, osteoporosis, and even immune system problems. Chakras become overbalanced when they compensate for blocked and underbalanced chakras elsewhere. Clear your other blockages to calm overactive chakras down.
Remedies: Meditation and yoga are the best fixes for the root chakra. To meditate, find a quiet space, get in a comfortable sitting or lying position, and close your eyes. Send your breath and focus to the base of your spine and exhale your fears and insecurities. Then try grounding yoga poses like Mountain pose, Child’s pose, or Bridge pose. You can also try: Positive affirmations like “I am safe in my body” or “I deserve to be safe.” Walking outside barefoot and feeling the earth, sand, or grass beneath your feet Wearing or holding red crystals like ruby or red jasper while you meditate Using cedarwood or cypress candles, incense, or essential oils Adding red produce and root vegetables to your diet like apples, beets, and radishes Wearing red clothes or accessories
The Sacral Chakra
About the Sacral Chakra: The sacral chakra is the center for creative and sexual energy. It’s located over your sacrum (the triangular bone just below your lumbar vertebrae). This chakra is all about your emotions, sensuality, and your ability to be flexible and adaptable. When it’s open and balanced, you feel passionate, fulfilled, joyous, and friendly. The sacral chakra is orange and connected to the natural element of water.
How to Tell if Your Sacral Chakra is Blocked: An unbalanced sacral chakra can send you on an emotional rollercoaster. It’s blocked by stress or emotional conflict and causes big, rapid mood swings when it’s overbalanced. When it’s underbalanced, you feel a lack of creative energy, emotional instability, and a general disinterest in things that normally bring you happiness. Severe physical symptoms might include sexual dysfunction as well as hormone or fertility issues. You might also feel addictive tendencies towards sex or substances like drugs and alcohol.
Remedies: Practice creative activities to stimulate this chakra. Things like painting, creative writing, going to see a live play, or playing a musical instrument will unblock it and get your energy back. Meditation is also very effective. Close your eyes and visualize a swirling ball of orange energy between your tailbone and belly button. You can also try: Yoga poses like Knee-to-chest, Frog pose, or Cobra pose Drinking lots of water or going for a swim Wear or hold orange crystals like bloodstone, garnet, or carnelian during meditation Burning scents like grapefruit, orange, or jasmine Adding orange produce to your diet like oranges, carrots, and sweet potatoes Wearing orange clothes or accessories
The Solar Plexus Chakra
About the Solar Plexus Chakra: The solar plexus chakra is your center of power, confidence, and self-esteem. It’s located near your belly button and helps you be decisive and use your personal power for good. When it’s open and balanced, you feel self-confident, assured in your abilities, strong-willed, and determined. The solar plexus chakra is yellow and represented by the element of fire.
How to Tell if Your Solar Plexus Chakra is Blocked: This chakra is blocked by low self-esteem or self-trust. When it’s underbalanced, you feel lots of self-doubt, have trouble making decisions, and struggle to be your most authentic self. When it’s overbalanced, your ego becomes hyperactive and you might become power-hungry or self-absorbed. A blocked solar plexus chakra wreaks havoc on your digestive system. You might experience a chronic upset stomach, nausea, bloating, heartburn, or even ulcers. Weak core muscles, pain in your middle back, or general fatigue might also indicate a blocked solar plexus chakra.
Remedies: Emphasize core-strengthening yoga moves for this chakra. Spinal twists, Warrior pose, and Bow pose are all great moves. Other core-intensive workouts like pilates or gymnastics work too. Digestive issues can be fixed by adding yellow produce like bananas, apricots, squash, or corn to your diet. Other remedies include: Meditating and picturing a yellow ball of energy beneath your navel Playing with fire (safely) by lighting a bonfire, cooking over an open flame, or soaking up the sun Holding or meditating with yellow crystals like tiger’s eye or yellow calcite Scents like lemon, ginger, or peppermint from candles, incense, or essential oils Wearing yellow clothes and accessories
The Heart Chakra
About the Heart Chakra: The heart chakra is your center of love, compassion, and forgiveness. It’s located in the center of your chest along your spine (not over your actual heart) and is the crossroads between your lower physical chakras and your upper spiritual chakras. When it’s open and balanced, you’re able to give and receive love freely, make connections, and balance self-care with care for others. The heart chakra is green and is associated with the element of air.
How to Tell if Your Heart Chakra is Blocked: The heart chakra is blocked by neglecting strong, personal relationships. When it’s underbalanced, you feel emotionally closed off, a fear of betrayal, anger, bitterness, isolation, and a lack of empathy. If it’s overbalanced, you become codependent in your relationships, needy, jealous, or possessive. You might experience heart problems like an elevated heart rate, or painful or weak lungs. Pain in your upper back and shoulders is common, as well as tension in the wrists and arms.
Remedies: Repeat positive affirmations about love to yourself, like “I am open to love” or “I forgive myself and others.” Say them out loud, or meditate on them silently. These affirmations set your intentions toward love and help you break old patterns that kept your chakra blocked. Also try: Meditating and visualizing a green ball of swirling energy in the center of your chest Investing time into the people and activities you love Yoga poses like Cobra, Bridge, and Supported Back Bend Wearing, holding, or meditating with rose quartz, green calcite, or jade stones Burning essential oils, candles, or incense scented like rose, lavender, or sandalwood Eating leafy green foods like spinach or broccoli Wearing green clothes and accessories
The Throat Chakra
About the Throat Chakra: The throat chakra governs your ability to communicate. It’s located at the base of your throat and is your center of self-expression and speech. When it’s unblocked, you can easily communicate how you feel to others. You’re also able to fully listen to and understand others. The throat chakra is blue and related to the element of space (ether).
How to Tell if Your Throat Chakra is Blocked: The throat chakra is blocked by lies and miscommunication. When it’s underbalanced or closed, you experience anxiety during conversations, an inability to speak your mind, and difficulty being honest to yourself and others. When it’s overbalanced, you become extra chatty, overbearing in conversation, and overly critical of others. Physically, you might feel a frequent sore throat or stiffness in the neck and shoulders. Hormonal issues in your thyroid gland might occur, and tension headaches are common.
Remedies: Cozy scarves, hot herbal teas, and nourishing soups soothe the physical pain in your throat when this chakra is blocked. Yoga poses that bend and stretch the neck are also helpful. Try moves like Shoulderstand, Plough pose, Cat-Cow, or Upward-Facing Dog. Other remedies include: Meditation while visualizing a blue ball of energy in your throat Wearing, holding, or meditating with blue gemstones like turquoise, aquamarine, or lapis lazuli Burning oils, incense, or candles scented with frankincense, geranium, sage, or eucalyptus Eating nutritious blue foods like blueberries or blackberries Wearing blue clothes and accessories
The Third Eye Chakra
About the Third Eye Chakra: The Third Eye or brow chakra is your center of intuition and perception. Located in the center of your forehead, it allows you to see through any illusions that separate you from the real world. When it’s balanced, you can easily see through mental blocks and have a razor-sharp mind. This chakra is indigo or purple and correlates to the element of light. This chakra is considered the most important one because of its power to connect to your intuitive wisdom.
How to Tell if Your Third Eye Chakra is Blocked: The Third Eye is blocked by illusion and emotional conflict. The most obvious symptom of blockage is the inability to connect to or trust your own intuition. If the Third Eye is underbalanced, you try to intellectualize everything, become distrustful or fearful of the process of life, and have anxiety over the future. An overbalanced chakra causes an overactive imagination. Headaches, dizziness, and brain fog are common physical symptoms of a blocked Third Eye. You might also experience insomnia or a noticeable disruption in your sleep patterns and have trouble recalling your dreams. In some cases, a blocked chakra can cause increased sensitivity to light.
Remedies: Meditation is the best remedy for a blocked Third Eye. After you’re settled in a comfortable position with your eyes closed, turn your eyeballs upward to look toward your Third Eye. Picture an indigo ball of energy swirling behind your forehead. You might even feel a tingling sensation on your forehead while you focus. Other fixes include: Yoga poses with the forehead down on the mat or balancing poses Wearing, holding, or meditating with purple crystals like amethyst, fluorite, or quartz Burning essential oils, candles, or incense scented with rosemary, frankincense, or vetiver Eating purple produce like grapes, eggplant, purple carrots, cabbage, or dates Wearing indigo clothes or accessories
The Crown Chakra
About the Crown Chakra: The crown chakra is your center of enlightenment. It sits on top of your head and is your connection to your highest self, the universe, and the divine. When perfectly balanced, you have a consciousness of pure awareness and feel connected to something larger than yourself. This chakra is violet or white and correlated to the elements of thought or cosmic energy.
How to Tell if Your Crown Chakra is Blocked: The crown chakra is blocked by an over-attachment to the material world. When it’s underbalanced, you feel apathetic, listless, and like you don’t have a direction or purpose in life. An overbalanced crown chakra is rare, but manifests as feeling greed that can never be satisfied, arrogance, and a disconnection from other people and the universe. Feeling unstable in your body is a physical sign of a blocked crown chakra. You might also feel low energy and a general low ability to function. Headaches and trouble with coordination or balance are common too.
Remedies: The best fix for a blocked crown chakra is to open and balance the 6 chakras beneath it through meditation, yoga, and other remedies. Few people can open this chakra completely (but that doesn’t mean you can’t improve it!). Reconnecting with your innermost self and spirituality through meditation, deep breathing, and silence also helps rebalance this chakra. You can also try: Inverted or upside-down yoga poses like Headstand, Handstand, or Downward Facing Dog Spending time in nature, sunlight, and fresh air Spending time with loved ones and enjoying your human experience Wearing, holding, or meditating with clear quartz or purple amethyst Burning scents like frankincense, juniper, or myrrh Wearing violet or white clothes and accessories
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