How to Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
How to Naturally Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy
Since you want to have the healthiest pregnancy possible, it’s normal to be worried about your blood pressure. High blood pressure during pregnancy can be harmful to you and your baby if it’s left untreated, but you have many treatment options to help manage your condition. You may be able to lower your blood pressure naturally by making lifestyle changes and eating a healthy diet. However, you need to talk to your doctor if you’re taking any medications. Additionally, see your doctor immediately if your blood pressure is consistently reading high or you have symptoms of preeclampsia.

Making Lifestyle Changes

Exercise for 30 minutes a day if your doctor approves it. Inactive women are at a higher risk of hypertension than those who exercise. So whether you are already pregnant or plan on conceiving, talk to your doctor about starting an exercise program. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day or most days throughout the week. If you are a beginner, try low-intensity walking or swimming. Always talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program and ask if it is safe for you to do certain activities.

Monitor your weight so you gain healthily. Having excess weight on your body is a risk factor for hypertension, but you’ll need to gain weight so that your baby can grow. Follow your doctor’s advice to gain a healthy amount of weight throughout your pregnancy. To help stay on track, eat a healthy diet and exercise daily. Preeclampsia is associated with hypertension and weight gain during pregnancy, so it is important to avoid gaining too much weight and to avoid gaining weight too quickly. Preeclampsia can lead to kidney and liver problems for the mother and complications for the baby. Having extra weight on your body also increases the risk of other health conditions during pregnancy, such as back aches, exhaustion, leg cramps, hemorrhoids, gestational diabetes, heartburn and aching joints.

Reduce stress because it can elevate your blood pressure. Being stressed can cause elevated blood pressure whether you are pregnant or not. Try eliminating known triggers for stress if possible. Don’t overwork yourself while you’re pregnant. If you work over 41 hours per week, this can increase your risk for high blood pressure. Try relaxation techniques such as meditation, visualization, and yoga. These can bring serenity to your body and mind and help reduce your stress level.

Try controlled breathing to calm your body and mind. Breathing techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing, can help calm your body and mind and provide stress relief. In addition, by engaging the diaphragm (the muscle at the base of your lungs) you can make your breathing more powerful and reduce the strain to the other muscles in your neck and chest Lie comfortably on your back or sit on a chair. If lying down, place a pillow under your knees to keep them bent. To feel your diaphragm move, place your hands on the chest and below the rib cage. Slowly inhale through your nose so that you feel your stomach move up. Slowly exhale through your mouth by counting to five while tightening your abdominal muscles and letting them fall inward. Repeat and keep your breathing regular and slow.

Listen to music to help lower your blood pressure. Studies have shown that listening to the right type of music while slowly breathing for at least 30 minutes a day can lower blood pressure. Listen to calming and relaxing music such as Celtic, classical, or Indian or if you have a favorite slow music that inspires and relaxes you, listen to that. Avoid loud and fast music, such as rock, pop and heavy metal, as these might have the opposite effect on you.

Stop smoking if you do and avoid secondhand smoke. You likely know that smoking carries health risks. Besides being a danger to your baby, smoking can also raise your blood pressure. If you are pregnant, you should quit smoking immediately. It’s very hard to quit, but you may be able to use quitting aids. Talk to your doctor about methods to stop smoking that are safe for you and your baby.

Eating a Healthy Diet

Avoid salt and high-sodium foods, which increase your risk. Although your body requires sodium in small amounts, consuming too much sodium is bad for you and can lead to hypertension, heart disease and stroke. If you suffer from high blood pressure, take steps to reduce your sodium intake: Do not add salt to foods when cooking but use other spices instead (cumin, lemon pepper, fresh herbs). Rinse canned foods to remove sodium. Buy foods that are labeled “low sodium” or “sodium free.” Avoid processed foods, such as crackers, fried items, and baked goods, that often are high in sodium. Also avoid eating fast food and ask for reduced sodium when ordering in restaurants.

Consume more whole grains and fresh produce to get fiber. A high fiber diet may help reduce your risk of hypertension. Fortunately, it’s easy to get fiber from the healthy foods you’re likely already eating. Incorporate more whole grains, fresh veggies, and fruit with the skin on it into your diet. This will help you consume at least 25 grams of fiber each day. Make sure you get at least six to eight servings of whole grains every day. Switch refined grains to whole grains, such as brown rice and whole wheat pasta and bread.

Eat potassium-rich foods to help lower your blood pressure. Potassium-rich foods should be a part of your hypertension management diet. Foods you should add include sweet potatoes, tomatoes, kidney beans, orange juice, bananas, peas, potatoes, dried fruits, melon and cantaloupe. Keep your target potassium levels moderate (around 2,000 to 4,000 mg a day).

Indulge with dark chocolate. Dark chocolate may help lower blood pressure, though it might not work the same for everyone. Eat dark chocolate whenever you’re craving a treat. Choose a bar that has at least 70% cocoa. Eat a half an ounce of dark chocolate that has at least 70% of cocoa per day. Because dark chocolate is high in calories, be sure not to overindulge.

Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks. Besides being bad for blood pressure, caffeine and alcohol also have other negative health effects to you and your baby during pregnancy. Thus, you should avoid both, especially if you suffer from high blood pressure. Drinking caffeine during pregnancy has been linked to declined placental blood flow and a risk of miscarriage. Although more studies are needed to confirm the effects of caffeine, it is best to switch to decaf during your pregnancy. High alcohol consumption is known to raise blood pressure and it is also known to have negative effects on your unborn baby. Before drinking any alcohol, even just one glass of wine, consult your doctor.

Add soy and low-fat milk products to help lower your blood pressure. A clinical study demonstrated that systolic blood pressure can be lowered by adding these foods to your diet. Add low-fat or fat-free dairy products (such as milk, cottage cheese, yogurt) to your diet. If you are lactose intolerant, try a milk alternative, such as almond, coconut, or hemp milk. You can also try soy milk, but you may want to limit soy products during pregnancy since it may increase estrogen levels in your fetus. Go easy on the amount of cheese you eat (even low-fat) due to their high sodium content.

When to Seek Medical Treatment

Ask your doctor if the medications you’re taking are safe during pregnancy. Hypertension is a side effect of some medications. Talk to your doctor about your medications and find out if they are safe to use while you’re pregnant. They can help you make the best decision for managing your health during your pregnancy Don’t stop taking your medications without first talking to your doctor.

Visit your doctor if you have several high blood pressure readings. If you know you’re at risk for high blood pressure during your pregnancy, it’s best to test your blood pressure often. You can do this at a local drug store or using a home blood pressure kit, if you have one. If your blood pressure reading is consistently high over a 1-week period, go see your doctor to get checked out. Your blood pressure is considered high if your systolic reading is between 130 and 139 mm Hg and your diastolic pressure reads between 80 and 89 mm Hg.

See your doctor immediately if you develop symptoms of preeclampsia. Try not to worry because your doctor will be able to offer you treatment options if you do have preeclampsia. However, it’s important that you get checked out as soon as possible to make sure you’re okay. Your doctor will help ease your mind and get you any treatments you need. Call them immediately if you notice these symptoms: Severe headaches Blurry vision, seeing lights, or temporary loss of vision Pain in your right side under your ribs Nausea or vomiting Sudden swelling in your face and hands (which may be normal) Shortness of breath

Ask if you need a medication to treat your high blood pressure. If lifestyle changes aren’t enough to manage your condition, you may be able to take certain medications. Your doctor will decide which medication is safest for you to take, as some high blood pressure medications aren’t safe during pregnancy. Be sure to take your medicine exactly as instructed, and don’t stop taking it unless your doctor tells you to do so. Traditional treatments like angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, and renin inhibitors are typically considered unsafe to take during pregnancy. However, there are some options available.

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