How to Perform CPR on a Cat
How to Perform CPR on a Cat
If your cat stops breathing as the result of an accident, choking, or illness, then you need to act quickly to clear the airway and get her to breathe again. Performing CPR on a cat may seem scary, but if you know what steps to follow it will be much easier. Your best bet is to get your cat to the veterinarian right away, but on the way you can determine if your cat needs CPR, check your cat’s airway, and begin performing CPR. Keep reading to learn more about how to perform CPR on a cat.

Determining if Your Cat Needs CPR

Take your cat to a veterinarian at the first sign of a problem. The best thing you can do is get your cat to a vet right away so that you can avoid having to perform CPR on your cat yourself. A veterinarian is much better equipped to handle a severe health crisis. Watch for signs that there may be a serious problem and get your cat to a veterinarian immediately if you notice that your cat is: having difficulty breathing unconscious weak of lethargic severely injured severely ill

Determine if your cat is breathing. To determine if your cat is breathing, you can either watch for movement in your cat’s chest, feel for breath by placing your hand in front of his nose and mouth, or place a small mirror in front of your cat’s nose or mouth and see if a mist forms. If your cat is not breathing, you may need to give him CPR.

Check for a pulse. Whether or not your cat has a pulse may also help your decide if you need to perform CPR. To check for a pulse, place your fingers on the inner part of your cat’s thigh and wait. If you have a stethoscope, you can use it to try and listen to your cat’s heart. If your cat has no pulse, you may need to give him CPR.

Inspect your cat’s gums. The color of your cat’s gums can also indicate whether or not your cat needs CPR. Normal, healthy gums should be pink in color. If your cat’s gums are bluish or gray, that means that he is not getting enough oxygen. If your cat’s gums are white, that means that he may have poor circulation. These factors should be considered as you decide whether or not your cat needs CPR.

Performing CPR on a Cat

Get your cat and yourself out of danger's way. Sometimes a cat may require CPR after being injured by a moving vehicle. If you're tending to a cat in a roadway or driveway, move your cat out of the way of traffic before beginning CPR. If possible, have someone drive you and the cat to the nearest animal hospital or your veterinarian. That way you can perform CPR on the way.

Place the unconscious or semi-conscious cat in the recovery position. Ensure that she is lying on his side on something comfortable such as a coat or blanket. This will help your cat conserve heat and feel more comfortable.

Check the cat's airway. With the cat on his side, tilt his head back a little bit. Open his mouth, and use your fingers to extend the cat’s tongue. Look to see if you can see an obstruction in the cat’s throat. If you can’t see anything, gently sweep the inside of the mouth with your finger to feel for a foreign object that may be obstructing the airway. If you feel an obstruction, determine if you can remove it with your fingers or if you need to use abdominal thrusts. Do not try to remove the tiny bones in the back of a cat’s mouth. These are part of the cat’s larynx.

Perform abdominal thrusts if needed. If you cannot dislodge an object from your cat’s throat using your fingers, you can try to use abdominal thrusts. First, lift the cat, so his spine is up against your chest then use your other hand to locate the bottom of the cat's rib cage. If the cat is not struggling, clasp both hands under the last rib. If the cat is struggling, hold the cat by his scruff with one hand while making a fist under the last rib with the other. Press your fist or clasped hands to the cat's body, and push up. Repeat this upward thrust five times. Do not attempt to do this if your cat is conscious and seems upset. Put him in a carrier and take him to the veterinarian right away. If the object does not come out; you should turn your cat over and give him five blows on the back. Position the cat over your forearm so his head is dangling toward the floor and you are supporting his body with your arm under his hips. Use the hand not holding the cat to locate the shoulder blades. With the open palm of your free hand, strike the cat sharply between the shoulder blades five times. If the object does not dislodge, try using your finger to remove it again, and keep cycling through the removal methods until you remove the object. Once the object is dislodged, move on to check the cat's breathing, and begin or continue CPR procedures as needed.

Deliver rescue breaths if needed. If the cat is not breathing, you will need to immediately give the cat two rescue breaths. To deliver rescue breaths, close the cat's mouth with your hand and gently extend the neck to straighten the airway. With the cat’s mouth closed, cup your hand around the nose and put your mouth to the cat's snout. Breathe directly into the cat’s nose for 1 second. If you feel the breath go in, give another breath and resume CPR if the cat has no heartbeat. If the cat has a heartbeat but is not breathing, continue rescue breathing at a rate of 10 breaths per minute until the cat breathes on his own or you reach help. Make sure to keep checking the cat for a heartbeat, and if it ceases, begin compressions. If the breath does not go in, straighten the neck and try again. If it still does not go in, recheck for an obstruction.

Perform chest compressions if needed. Place the cat on his side and wrap your hand around the cat's chest behind the front legs. Your thumb should be on the side of the chest facing up and the rest of your fingers under the cat. If using this position, you will squeeze the cat’s chest to perform the chest compressions. If you cannot easily span the cat's chest with your hand or the position is uncomfortable for you, place one hand on the side of the cat that is facing up. Then, position your hand(s) with the heel of your hand against the chest wall. Make sure that your elbows are locked, and your shoulders are directly over your hands. Depending on whether you are using one hand or two, squeeze or push down on the chest hard enough to compress it to 1/3 to 1/2 of its normal depth, and then, allow it to return to normal depth before compressing it again. Avoid leaning on the chest or allowing it to remain partially compressed between compressions. The rate of the compressions should be 100 to 120 per minute. A common recommendation is to compress the chest to the beat of the Bee Gees' song, "Stayin' Alive." After giving the first 30 compressions, check the cat's airway and breathing again. If the cat has resumed breathing on its own again, then you can stop performing the compressions.

Continue administering CPR. You should continue giving the cat CPR until the cat starts breathing on its own and the heart begins to beat again or until you reach the veterinarian. You may need to have a friend help you if you have a long ride to the veterinarian. Follow this cycle of CPR measures every two minutes: Deliver 100-120 chest compressions per minute along with one rescue breath for every 12 compressions. Check for heartbeat and respiration. Repeat the cycle.

Caring for a Cat After CPR

Check the cat often for breathing and a heartbeat or pulse. When the cat does start to breathe on her own again, keep her under very close observation. If you haven’t done so already, get her to the vet for a thorough check-up and to fix any injuries or bleeding. A vet visit is vital. Your cat needs to be checked for internal injuries and fractures or broken bones. In some cases, emergency surgery may be required after she has stabilized. Your pet may still be in shock. A cat in shock must be treated by the vet.

Follow the veterinarian’s instructions for care. Be aware that your veterinarian may need to keep your cat for a few days to observe her and get her back to optimal health. After your cat is released to you again, make sure that you follow the veterinarian’s instructions for care. Administer any medications that your veterinarian prescribes and observe your cat closely.

Contact the veterinarian again if the cat shows signs of a problem. A cat who has had a severe health problem that required CPR may be at risk of other problems or even death. Make sure that you notify your veterinarian right away if your cat shows signs of a problem and schedule regular check-ups for your cat to help keep him healthy.

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