How to Remove Old Nail Polish
How to Remove Old Nail Polish
Removing old nail polish can be a bit of a pain, especially when you have several coats to take off. Nail polish eventually chips off on its own, but removing it when it starts to chip helps your hands look nicer and promotes good nail health. Learn how to remove old nail polish in three different ways: wiping it off with nail polish remover, soaking your nails in acetone, and using fresh nail polish.

Removing Nail Polish Using Nail Polish Remover

Choose a nail polish remover. Go to the drugstore or beauty store and buy a bottle of nail polish remover. It's usually in the cosmetic section near the selection of nail polish and other nail products. One bottle contains enough nail polish remover to remove plenty of manicures' worth of polish. Nail polish remover usually comes in a plastic bottle with a screw cap, but you can also buy it in tubs that have sponges inside, where you submerge your fingers to take off the polish. The main ingredient in nail polish remover is usually acetone, and some removers are enhanced with aloe and other natural ingredients meant to soften your skin while you remove the polish.

Choose a nail polish remover applicator. Nail polish remover needs to be applied and rubbed onto your nails using an applicator to be effective. Some applicators are better than others are for different types of manicures. Consider these options: Cotton balls are great all-purpose applicators, especially for removing just a coat or two of regular nail polish. If you have two or more coats of thick nail polish, you might want to use paper towels instead. The relatively rough surface of the towels helps scrape off the nail polish. Cotton swabs are helpful for removing nail polish from the edges of your nails and your cuticles.

Set up an area for your nail polish removal. Spread a newspaper or paper towel on a table or countertop. Set out your nail polish remover and cotton balls, paper towels or cotton swabs. Removing nail polish may get messy, so it's best to do it in the bathroom or another area without linens and surfaces that could get ruined by a stray splash of nail polish. Choose a room with good lighting so you will be able to see your nails clearly.

Saturate your applicator with nail polish remover. Unscrew the nail polish remover cap, place the applicator over the opening, and invert the bottle to soak it. Alternatively, you could pour the nail polish remover into a bowl and dip the cotton ball or paper towel into the solution.

Rub the applicator on your nails. Using a circular motion, wipe your nails until the old nail polish comes off. Continue until you've removed the polish from all your nails. You may need to use a new applicator every few nails, especially if you have more than one layer of nail polish to remove. If you're having trouble taking off your nail polish with a cotton ball, try switching to paper towel.

Wash your hands. Nail polish remover is made with strong chemicals that can dry out your hands, so it's best to wash off the residue when you're through.

Soaking Your Nails In Acetone

Buy pure acetone. Some nail polish, such as glitter or gel nail polish, can be difficult to remove using the common rub-away method. In these cases pure acetone, the chemical that causes the paint to come off, is in order. Acetone is available at drugstores in the same section where nail polish remover is sold.

Saturate a cotton ball in acetone. Either place the cotton ball over the opening of the acetone bottle and invert it, or pour some acetone into a bowl and dip the cotton ball into it.

Affix the cotton ball to your fingernail. Place it directly over your fingernail and use a piece of tin foil to hold it in place. Repeat with your remaining fingers until each one is covered with an acetone-soaked cotton ball. If you don't have tinfoil handy, you can use a small rubber band to hold the cotton balls in place.Watermark wikiHow to Remove Old Nail Polish Have a partner help you if it's difficult to secure the cotton balls without causing them to fall off your fingers.

Let your nails soak in acetone. Wait ten minutes for the acetone to work on the nail polish before you check to see if the method is working. Pull back one of the cotton balls and use a different cotton ball to swipe at your nail. If the nail polish wipes off onto the cotton ball, your nails are ready. If it sticks, let your nails soak for another ten minutes.

Remove the cotton balls and take off the polish. One at a time, remove the cotton balls from each finger and wipe away the loosened nail polish with a second acetone-soaked cotton ball. The nail polish should easily wipe away. Repeat until all the cotton balls have been removed and the polish is completely gone.

Wash your hands. Rinse away traces of the acetone with warm, soapy water, then moisturize your hands to combat the acetone's drying effect.

Using Fresh Nail Polish

Choose a nail polish you don't like very much. This method requires using gobs of old nail polish and you don't want to waste your favorite color. Any old nail polish you don't use much anymore is fair game; just make sure it hasn't dried out. It should still be fresh and smooth.

Paint polish over one of your nails. Paint a liberal amount of polish, making sure you completely cover the old nail polish. Try not to get too much of the polish on your fingers; just paint a healthy amount on your nail directly over the old polish.

Use a paper towel to wipe it off after five seconds. When you wipe off the new wet coat, scrub your nail with the paper towel so the old coat comes off with it. Rub with clean sections of the paper towel until both the new and old nail polish are gone. Act quickly - if you wait more than five seconds, the new coat of nail polish might start to dry. You may have to repeat this more than once to completely remove the old nail polish.

Repeat with remaining nails. Continue the process with each nail until all the old nail polish has been removed. Wash your hands with warm, soapy water to help remove the last bits of remaining color.

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