How to Repair Hair Breakage
How to Repair Hair Breakage
Your hair goes through a lot every day. Simple daily rituals such as brushing, washing, and styling your hair can weaken your hair. If you use heat or chemical treatments on your hair, you can almost guarantee that hair breakage may be an issue. Quality hair products and good hair care practices can treat hair breakage and prevent more damage in the future.

Fixing Existing Breakage

Get a trim. Trimming your hair can get rid of breakage immediately. Have a professional stylist cut your hair to remove all of the damaged ends. If you blow dry your hair regularly and spend a lot of time in the sun, your hair should be trimmed every eight weeks. Trimming is especially important if you have split ends. The split will continue to travel up your hair shaft and your hair will break off on its own. If you trim your ends yourself, only use hair shears. Twist your hair into one inch sections around your index finger, and cut off any of the ends that pop up.

Use products containing antioxidants. Antioxidants can correct hair damage caused by the sun and chemical treatments. Products containing rice extract and artichoke extract can make your hair shinier and smoother and repair your hair cuticle. Products containing Vitamin E (panthenol) increase the water content of your hair and make it more elastic. Improved elasticity keeps your hair from breaking when it is being manipulated. These ingredients can be found in shampoos, conditioners, and hair serums.

Apply botanical extracts. Plant based biopolymers help your hair maintain moisture and fill the outer layer of your hair shaft that is broken. Look for products that contain carob tree extract, Cystoseira compressed seaweed extract, and Lepidium meyenii extract. Out of these three ingredients, carob tree extract works best for smoothing the hair cuticle. Botanical extracts are particularly effective if your hair breakage is due to chemical treatments. These ingredients can be found in shampoos, conditioners, and hair serums.

Use coconut oil. Put coconut oil on your hair every day as a pre-wash treatment. Coconut oil will coat your hair and protect your hair from losing protein when you wash it. This will strengthen your hair and improve its appearance. The quality of your hair will improve with long-term use of coconut oil. If you wash your hair in the morning, you can apply coconut oil before you go to bed and wash it out in the morning. If you wash your hair at night, apply the oil as a post wash treatment so it can penetrate your hair before you wash it again.

Condition the hair. Always apply a rinse out or leave in conditioner after washing your hair. Use conditioners that are formulated for dry or damaged hair. Conditioners containing silicones will increase shine and smooth your hair. Well conditioned hair is easier to comb and detangle. Having smooth hair will protect you from further damaging your hair during the styling process. If your hair is extremely damaged, consider using an intensive conditioner. These conditioners are only used once or twice a week and should be left in for longer periods of time.

Wash with a moisturizing shampoo. Choose a gentle shampoo that is designed to moisturize your hair. Harsh shampoos can lead to dry, brittle hair that is more prone to break. Read the ingredients before you buy the shampoo and look for shampoos that contain silicones, panthenol, and amino acids. These ingredients will improve the appearance of your hair and reduce the effects of mechanical damage from washing. Consider washing your hair only two or three times a week. If you have oily hair and need to wash more frequently, try skipping just a day.

Treat your hair with protein. Your hair is made up primarily of proteins. If you hair has been breaking, find a good protein treatment to apply to your hair. These treatments can make your hair softer, more flexible, and restore moisture. Look for products containing hydrolyzed proteins. These treatments can come in a cream, serum, or spray. Some are for daily use while others are used less frequently. Pay attention to how your hair responds to the protein treatment.

Preventing Hair Breakage

Eat a healthy diet. Your hair needs proper nutrients to grow and be strong. Protein is a big component of hair, so eat foods (e.g. beans, peas, meat, poultry, seafood, eggs) that are rich in protein for strong hair. Also drink plenty of water to keep your hair hydrated from the inside out. Dark leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, shellfish, chicken, turkey, and salmon are also good for hair.

Use heat sparingly. Blow-dryers, flat irons, and curling irons are very damaging to the hair. Air dry your hair when you can. If you plan to use heat, apply a heat protectant before you start. If you must use heat, use the lowest heat setting you can to get the job done. It may take you a little longer to finish your hair, but it will be worth it. Use flat irons and curling irons with adjustable temperatures. Do not use temperatures greater than 375°F/190°C.

Avoid chemical treatments. Perms, hair straightening treatments, bleach, and hair dyes are the most damaging things you can do to your hair. These treatments change the actual chemical structure of your hair making it weaker and more likely to break. If you do any of these treatments, make sure they are done by a professional. Limit chemical treatments to only two or three times a year. If a chemical treatment is being reapplied to your hair, the stylist should only apply the products to your roots that have not been previously treated.

Protect hair from the sun. UV rays from the sun can cause your hair to become dry, brittle, and damages the outer layer of your hair. This can lead to split ends and breakage. If you are going to be out in the sun, wear a hat or use a leave-in conditioner that contains zinc oxide. Zinc oxide will protect your hair from the UV rays. Protecting your hair from the sun is more important in the summer months when your hair is exposed to UV light. Adjust your hair care regimen to the weather.

Condition your hair well. The products you use on your hair should be moisturizing and be formulated to improve the condition of your hair. Look for shampoos and conditioners that impart moisture. Products that are for dry and damaged hair are more moisturizing. You should also deep condition your hair every 2 weeks.

Wear a swim cap. Pools contain chlorine and bleach that causes dryness and breakage. Some pools also contain copper which is damaging as well. A swim cap can protect your hair from contaminants in the water. Shampoos and conditioners that contain trisodium ethylenediamine disuccinic acid will remove copper from your hair. You probably will not know if your hair has come into contact with copper unless you have light colored hair. For example, if you are blonde, your hair may have a greenish hue after its been exposed.

Be gentle with your hair. Excessive brushing and combing or rubbing when shampooing and towel drying your hair can cause damage as well. Detangle your hair from tips to roots and go slowly. Your hair is more susceptible to damage when it is wet. Use a leave-in conditioner or detangler to prevent damage. Detangle wet hair with your fingers before you use a comb or brush. How you style your hair can also cause damage. Tight ponytails, braids, and cornrows, can lead to hair loss and breakage. Your hairstyles should never give you a headache or put stress on your hairline. If it feels too tight, it probably is. Wearing your hair in the same style all of the time can also cause breakage. For example, if you always wear your hair pulled back, change the position of your ponytail.

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