How to Reset a Car's Automatic Window After Replacing the Battery
How to Reset a Car's Automatic Window After Replacing the Battery
Automatic windows make it easy to raise and lower your window, but they can easily be thrown off or reset when you replace your vehicle’s battery. The automatic window function relies on a sensor and electrical components to interpret when a window is open or closed, so replacing your car’s electrical power source can mess with these settings. To reset the memory settings for your window, press the button for each window down and hold it for 2-5 seconds. Then, raise the same window and hold the button for 2-5 seconds. If this doesn’t work, you may need to lubricate your windows with silicone spray, replace the fuse for the windows, or clean out the reel inside your door panel.
Resetting Power Windows in a Car

Resetting the Memory Settings

Turn the key in the ignition to the “run” position. Turn the key but don’t start the car to turn your vehicle’s electrical components on. On some cars, you’ll need to turn the key backward to turn the electrical components on. On other cars, the “run” position is the slot right before the area that you turn the key to ignite the engine. You cannot reset the windows using the controls while the car is running. Tip: This often works on German and Japanese cars, although it will work on some American vehicles. If you reset your battery and the automatic window function isn’t working, the computer for your car likely flushed the memory of the window settings. This will input new memory settings for the windows.

Press a window key down to lower the window all the way. You are going to do this one window at a time, so pick a button to start with. Press the button all the way down and hold it so that the window lowers all of the way. Do not release the button once the window is lowered.

Hold the key down for 2-5 seconds after the window is down. Once your window is all the way down, hold the button down for 2-5 seconds. Release the button after you’ve held it down for a short period of time. On some vehicles, the required time to reset the window is 2 seconds. On others, it is 5 seconds. If this doesn’t work the first time at 2 seconds, try it again by holding the button down for 5.

Lift the same window key to raise the window all the way up. On the same window that you just lowered, raise the key upwards to lift the window. Pull the button all the way up with your finger so that the window raises all the way up. Do not release your finger.

Hold the key for 2-5 seconds after the window closes. Once the window is all the way up, hold the button in the up position for 2-5 seconds. Once you’ve done this, release your finger. The automatic power settings for that window should be reset.

Repeat this process with the other window keys. Use the same time interval on each of the other window buttons to reset them separately. If you accidentally hit a different button while you’re doing this, simply repeat the process for the button that you hit. This will set the automatic window function by resetting the time intervals through your car’s computer.

Solving Mechanical Problems

Spray the rubber trim with waterproof silicone spray if the windows stick. If your windows are raising and lowering in strange intervals after replacing the battery, the sensor in your car’s windows is likely stopping the window at the wrong time. Get a waterproof lubricant spray and raise your window all the way up. Spray the inside and outside of the rubber trim around the entirety of your window. Lower the window and spray a little in the opening for the window. Wipe the excess spray off with a cloth or paper towel. An automatic window relies on a sensor to interpret when the window is in the closed position. Applying lubricant spray will reduce the friction, which will make it easier for the sensor to interpret when the window is actually closed. This will also lubricate your motor and reel, which will make it easier for the entire system to function smoothly. You can buy waterproof silicone spray from your local hardware or auto parts store.

Test the fuse with a multimeter and replace it if the windows won’t move. Turn your car off. Consult your vehicle’s instruction manual to determine where you fuse box is and how to remove it. Look at the list of fuses in your manual to determine which one corresponds to your power windows. Either pull the fuse out or remove it with pliers. Set your multimeter to Ω, or ohms, by turning the dial. Touch the 2 metal needles to each terminal on your fuse. If the reading is less than 1, then your fuse is fine. Turn your car off before removing the fuse. If you need to replace a fuse, order a replacement from your manufacturer and push it into the fuse slot in your vehicle. If you don’t have your vehicle’s instruction manual, you can download a copy online from your manufacturer’s website. In many cars, the fuse box is under the panel in between the driver’s and front passenger’s seat, or behind a panel on the driver's side dashboard. If it isn’t there, it is usually in the glove box.

Inspect the reel on your window motor to see if it’s rusty or blocked. Take the panel for your door off by following the manufacturer’s instructions. Slide the cover off of the motor by removing the bolt in the middle with a wrench. This will expose the reel, which looks a wheel with spokes. Inspect the reel for rust or blockage. Remove any debris that may have found its way into the spokes and try spraying the reel with waterproof silicone lubricant if it’s rusty.Warning: You should only remove a door panel if you’re used to working on cars. This can be kind of tricky if you’ve never done it before. Turn your car off and use pliers to remove debris. If you stick your fingers into the reel and it somehow accidentally turns on, you could seriously injure your hand. The reel is the piece that turns to raise and lower your window. If it is rusty or filled with gunk, the reel won’t turn correctly.

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