How to Shell Brazil Nuts
How to Shell Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts look like hard work to crack, but there are a couple different ways to attack them that can have you on your way to a delicious snack in no time!

Freezing method

Place the Brazil nuts in the freezer for a few hours.

Remove and crack the nuts with a nut cracker. The shell will break easily.

Boiling method

Boil water on the stove top.

Add the Brazil nuts and allow to boil for one minute.

Remove from the boiling water and plunge straight into the cold water. This stops the cooking. Take care when handling the hot water.

Crack them. The shells will come off easily.

Oven method

Arrange the Brazil nuts on baking trays (baking sheets).

Place in a moderate oven (180ºC/350ºF).

Bake for 15 minutes.

Remove from the oven and crack.

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