How to Win a Beauty Pageant
How to Win a Beauty Pageant
Beauty pageants can be an amazing way to make friends, have fun, and show your stuff. But how can you put your best foot forward, so you win the day? We've got your back! From interviews, to the talent competition, to fine-tuning your look, this guide will offer all the pro tips you need to succeed. That way, you can just focus on shining on the day of the pageant, and enjoying the ride!

Talent Showcase

Choose a talent you feel confident performing. Certain talents are common in pageants—like dancing and playing instruments. It’s great if you’re a talented dancer or musician, but if you’re not, don’t try to force your talent. Choose a talent that you’d feel confident performing. For example, the talent could be something fairly unusual like ventriloquism or karate. The talent shouldn’t be something you learn right before the competition. Choose something that you’ve been practicing for at least a year.

Practice your talent. Practice makes perfect is a common phrase, and that’s because it’s true. Don’t wait until the pageant is just days away to practice your talent. Develop your routine and then spend time working on it every day. You should be able to go through your routine effortlessly so that you can focus on the performance aspect of the talent. If possible, get help from a coach to help you perfect your routine.

Pick a costume that displays the mood of your performance. If you’re doing a tap dance to upbeat music, you may want to choose a brightly colored costume. If you’re singing an emotional song, a long, black dress may be ideal. No matter what you’re performing, consider how you want the audience to perceive your performance when choosing a costume. Make sure your costume fits properly and doesn’t have any rips or tears before going onstage.

Perform with confidence. You may feel nervous before going onstage, but that’s completely normal. Take a few breaths and visualize the routine you’ve worked so hard on before going performing. Go on stage with a smile and keep your head up. Even if you make a mistake, continue on and do not stop until the routine is over.


Wear a dress or suit. A suit or dress will be appropriate for the interview stage of the pageant. Consider what you will be most comfortable wearing, and how you would like to be perceived. You don’t have to have an outfit made just for the interview. A department store outfit will be fine. Just make sure the outfit is professional and youthful. A good dress for an interview would be knee-length or slightly above, slightly conservative, and not too flashy in design. A solid color is ideal.

Prepare for what the judges will ask. The judges will almost certainly throw unexpected questions your way, but there are some questions that can be expected during the interview process. For example, you can watch past pageants to get an idea of how the interview will go. You can also ask former contestants what the interview process was like. Make sure to keep up with the news before the pageant to stay well-informed by keeping a notebook with everything you’ve learned. For example, questions about world affairs, your goals, who you are, who you admire, and your best and worst qualities are common for pageant interviews. Some other subjects that may come up are friends, family, travel experiences, favorite music and movies, your biggest disappointments.

Be genuine. You might think there is a typical “pageant personality,” but pageant winners have all sorts of personalities and interests. Don’t try to be anything other than who you are. You should be professional and kind, but sincere. Have fun with the questions and think about them carefully before answering.

Tell the judge how you feel when responding to a difficult question. A question may be difficult because the answer could easily be controversial or simply because you don’t know the answer. When in doubt, go with your gut feeling. Don’t try to give an answer that sounds intellectual or “right.” Instead, tell them how you honestly feel. The judge may not personally agree, but you will be respected for having the courage to be honest. For example, if you are asked about a war you don’t agree with, don’t tell them about your opinion of the war. Instead, tell them about how you feel or would feel about a loved one being away at war. Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know” if you genuinely can’t think of an answer.

Hair and Makeup

Wear enough stage makeup for the judges. You will be on stage, but the makeup should not be theatrical. When applying makeup, only wear enough so that the first row, which will typically be the judges, can see your face well. Avoid bright makeup, dark eyeliner, and frosted cosmetics. Look for matte makeup in shades that are slightly more colorful than natural shades you would wear as everyday makeup. If the pageant will be on TV, you can go a shade brighter than usual for the lipstick and blush.

Choose subtle makeup for interviews. You want the judges to see your natural beauty. Your natural beauty may be hidden if you go to face-to-face interviews wearing makeup meant for the stage. Avoid wearing a lot of foundation and false eyelashes. Instead, choose natural shades for your eyes, lips, and cheeks.

Go for a soft up-swept style. A soft up-swept style is a classic for pageants that will likely not go out of style. An up-swept style could mean a French twist or bun. This style is especially great for those with very fine hair, coarse hair, or people who are aiming for a classy look. A soft up-swept style means you have your hair up, but it is not tight or slicked back. You still have some body in your hair, although it is pulled up.

Wear your hair full or sleek. Full, wavy, and long hair is a classic style for pageants—especially the evening gown portion of the pageant. This is a look that is flattering on most and will likely not go out of style. Lately, a sleek and straight style is becoming popular as well.

Choose a style that makes you feel confident ultimately. If a sleek or wavy style isn’t ideal for you, go for what makes you feel the most confident. Show off your natural, curly hair if that is what is most flattering for you. Or, put a little gel in your short hair and rock a pixie cut. Beauty pageants do have certain standards, but ultimately, you should feel comfortable showing off your individuality.

Evening Gowns

Pick a gown that accentuates your body. An ideal gown accentuates your best features and camouflages your flaws. Aspects of the gown such as fabric and design can help draw the eye to the features you feel most confident about. Try on gowns that are best for your specific body type. If you have a short body type, wear vertical lines and solid colors. Avoid skirts, hip sashes, and contrasting solids. If you have wide hips and thighs, wear flowing, tailored, or flared skirts. Avoid low waistlines and mermaid gowns. If you’re thin, wear a fitted waist, a draped style, or a fishtail gown style. Avoid dark, strapless gowns. Go for a straight gown or V-shape waistlines if you have a thick waist. Avoid wearing belts or hip sashes.

Choose a dress that conveys your personality. The evening gown is an important part of the pageant. You should try your best to make the evening gown convey who you are to the best of your ability. Are you a loud and flamboyant or classy and conservative type? A red, sequin dress would show that you’re flamboyant. A black or white dress in a simple style would show that you’re classy. Check to see if your pageant has rules about gowns before choosing a gown.

Wear undergarments that enhance the look of your gown. The wrong bra and underwear can ruin the look of your gown. Long-line bras and bust-to-hip bustiers are commonly worn under pageant gowns. These options may not be possible if your gown is made of a thin fabric. If that’s the case, sew brassiere cups into your gown. As far as underwear, panties are not recommended. Instead, try sheer-to-waist pantyhose.

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