How to Write a Club Charter
How to Write a Club Charter
A Charter "creates" and is the "founding document" for any organization, much like the Constitution is for the United States of America. Your charter defines what your organization IS and what it can DO.

Writing the Charter for a newly-formed club may be easier than you ever thought. There are some essentials which must be included. Some mistakes to avoid.

Think through and outline your Charter. It should have at least the following components:

Preamble. Define, as clearly and succinctly as possible, the purpose of the organization in an opening paragraph. Call it "Preamble For The Charter of ( organization name )", or "Mission Statement of ( organization name )", or something similar which clearly identifies your organization's reason for existing.

Name of Organization. This is the official name of your organization, by which it will be known legally and in any legal documents you may generate in the future.

Officers. Define the organization's structure, spelling out the principal functions, responsibilities, and term of office for each officer.

Major Committees. Here, list only the permanent committees required to run the organization, i.e. "Membership Committee". Spell out their roles succinctly. If a committee is temporary for a specific timely function, leave it out, and make a reference similar to: "The President may, from time to time as deemed necessary, appoint temporary committees to carry out the purposes of this organization. They shall serve only for the purpose or time appointed."

Terms of Office. Spell out term lengths for officers, qualifications, how chosen (i.e., by Nominating Committee, or popular vote). Be sure to list their responsibilities.

Meeting Schedule. Spell out your meeting schedule. I.E., 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month; or weekly on Tuesdays, or whatever your plans are.

Meetings. Describe the purpose (and sometimes the order) of meeting.

Quorum. Describe what constitutes a quorum for voting on actions and issues coming before the group. (FYI: A "quorum" is the minimum number of members required to be present to constitute an "official meeting" of members).

Rules of Order. Rules of Order: Either attach a copy of Operating Rules that you write for this specific organization, or state that "All meetings will operate under Robert's Rules of Order (as amended)". Then make sure that your organization has a copy at all meetings for reference.

How To Amend Charter. Describe how and why your Charter may be amended and what percentage of a vote it will require to amend. Typically, this would be by 2/3rds or 3/4ths of a quorum.

Amendments. Remember to include rules for Amending this charter. Things change.

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