Alternatives for Looking Forward to It
Use phrases meaning “looking forward to it” that express excitement. Whether you’re looking forward to an event, meeting, or if you just want to say you’re looking forward to speaking to someone, there are many alternatives to choose from. Decide on the option that best speaks to the situation and the relationship to the person you’re talking to. You can add phrases to be more specific about the event you’re anticipating. Talk to you very soon. Looking forward to hearing from you. Keep me informed. Let me know if this sounds good to you. I’m excited about the opportunity to connect. Awaiting the pleasure of your company. I look forward to the honor of meeting you. Looking forward to our time together. Your arrival is much anticipated. It’s a pleasure to welcome you. Can hardly wait for the day to come. I’m so excited about it. I’m burning with anticipation. I’m thrilled about the experience. Remember to keep in touch ASAP Looking forward to our conversation I look forward to speaking with you I look forward to talking to you It’ll be a pleasure to speak with you Looking forward to seeing you soon
Friendly Ways to say Looking Forward to It
Saying “looking forward to you” between friends can be casual. You can get creative when you’re talking to someone you know very well to whom you want to express your excitement. If you’re planning a date with a romantic partner, your “looking forward to it” may be more dramatic and flirty. Whichever you choose, your replacement should make it clear what you’re excited about. The person you’re talking or writing to will know how pleased you are right away. Write soon! I can’t wait to hear what you think. I can’t wait until you visit! I’m counting down the days. Cannot wait to see you. Enthused about our time together! Counting the hours until we meet again! I’m itching with excitement. I’m on pins and needles. I can’t wait to see your response. I value your kind and quick response Can’t wait to meet you. I’m excited to meet you soon. I’m keen to meet you I’ll be there with bells on. It’s a date. See you there! Until then!
Professional Synonyms for Looking Forward to It
There are more formal ways to say “looking forward to it” professionally. Instead of signing off on a work email or letter to a recruiter with “looking forward to it,” you can offer more detail about what it is you’re excited about. When you’re awaiting a reply from a colleague or customer, you can also use stronger language like “please keep me informed” to show them you need an answer asap. Tailor your alternatives accordingly in and around the workplace so the person or group you’re speaking to fully understands where you’re coming from. Let me know if you have any questions—I’m happy to help. Unless I hear otherwise, I’ll assume you have no questions. I appreciate your timely response. Please keep me informed. Let me know if you’re interested, and I’ll [X]. Please get back to me by [date]. I’m eager to receive your feedback. Your prompt response is appreciated. I eagerly anticipate our meeting. Looking forward to working with you. I await our discussion with keen interest. Excited to explore the possibilities of our collaboration. I look forward to our meeting I highly anticipate our upcoming meeting. I look forward to hearing what you have to say.
Looking Forward to It Meaning & Usage
What does “Looking forward to it” mean? To say you’re “looking forward to it” means you’re feeling positive and excited about an event in the future. It could refer to a meeting, a celebration, or a time when a project or issue finds resolution. You’re letting someone else know that you can’t wait for the event to occur and that you highly anticipate its arrival. How to use in a sentence You could say, “I’m looking forward to it. Our first dinner together means the world to me” or “I’m looking forward to it. See you for lunch next week.” You can also be less specific if you say, “I’m looking forward to it. The holidays only come around once a year” or “This summer is going to be amazing. I’m looking forward to it.”
When to Use “Looking Forward to It” You can use “looking forward to it” about any event or future happening you’re pleased about. It shows whoever you’re talking to how much you’re anticipating the event itself. If you’re using “looking forward to it” professionally, it tends to also put some pressure on the person you’re speaking with. The phrase emphasizes the importance of the upcoming event vs. simple excitement about it. Grammar rulesTo say “looking forward to” indicates you’re excited about the event or date to come. The “to” is used as a preposition in “looking forward to it,” and must be followed by a noun or a verb in the -ing form, also called a present participle or gerund. Professional letters and/or emails Using “looking forward to it” can be used in professional situations like signing off in an email when you confirm an upcoming job interview. It’s also appropriate when speaking to a job recruiter if you’ve arranged to meet. Saying or writing the phrase is correct when you wish to tell a colleague that you’re looking forward to meeting them. It can also focus on a project you’re both working on or be used when communicating with a prospective client about a business meeting.
“Looking Forward to It” FAQ
Is it correct to say looking forward to it? Saying “I look forward to it” is grammatically correct, and polite, and indicates that you’re excited about a future event. You can also say “I look forward to it,” but using “looking” in its continuous tense can make your statement feel more present. If you want to emphasize the future instead of how you feel now, you can say, “I'll look forward to it" or "I'll be looking forward to it."
How do you say “Looking forward to it” in Spanish? The Spanish language doesn’t have an exact equivalent to “looking forward to it.” However, “Tener muchas ganas de…” means “to be really up for,” while “no ver la hora de…” means “to not to be able to wait to/for…”. They both express how much you really want something to happen, which is the closest you can get to “looking forward to” in Spanish.
How do you say “Looking forward to it” in French? The closest phrase in French to “looking forward to it” is, “Avoir hâte (de).” It translates to either “look forward to” or “be excited about.” Similarly, you can say, “J’ai trop hâte,” when you want to emphasize your excitement about something. This phrase means “I can’t wait.”
How do I say "I look forward to it” professionally? There are multiple similar phrases you can use when you want to say “looking forward to it” or “I look forward to it” in a professional setting. You can also use “eagerly anticipate,” “am keen on,” or “enthusiastic about.” Since your goal is receiving a reply or next step, these phrases can appear more formal than “looking forward to it” sometimes does.
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