What Do Different Colored Orbs Mean?
What Do Different Colored Orbs Mean?
Orbs are said to be the spiritual energies of lost or wandering souls. In other words, they're physical manifestations of ghosts. Orbs can be seen by the naked eye or in pictures or videos. While there’s no scientific proof behind these spiritual phenomena, many believe the color of an orb reflects a spirit’s mood, emotional state, or energy. So, if you’ve seen an orb, pay close attention because its color may be a message. See our list below for the most common orb colors and meanings.


Red orbs may be signs of stress or anger. The color red is often associated with rage or anger, and that’s no different in the spirit realm. A red, fiery orb may indicate an angry spirit. This anger may be targeted toward you or the spirit’s past life. Alternatively, some spiritual experts believe red orbs signify passion and vitality and indicate a strong emotional power. Burgundy orbs could be signs of greed or prosperity and usually indicate a materialistic soul.

Orange or gold

Orange or gold orbs represent protection and hope. Bright orange orbs often indicate that a protective spirit is close by. This spirit is likely friendly and wants to see you succeed—they want to offer you hope. Alternatively, orange orbs can also indicate forgiveness and kindness.


Yellow orbs are cautionary signs. Think of this color orb as a yellow traffic light—a spirit is telling you to slow down. Maybe there’s danger around the corner, or they don’t want you to go down a certain path. Either way, the spirit realm is urging you to be cautious. Alternatively, some view yellow orbs as signs of happiness and joy, believing they represent new opportunities and positive change.


Green orbs signify healing energy. A green ball of light is often indicative of a strong healing force. Perhaps this orb is from a guardian angel or a passed loved one. Either way, positive energy is near, and you’re likely on a healing path. Similarly, green orbs can indicate growth and/or natural energy.


Blue orbs are signs of spiritual awakenings. If you see a blue orb, you’re likely connected to the spirit realm. This spiritual energy may have come to bring you peace and tranquility or guide you toward your spiritual potential. Alternatively, a blue orb may signify a shy or timid spirit. Bright blue orbs may be a sign of healing energy. Navy blue orbs could indicate that an authoritative spirit is near. Sky blue orbs are typically interpreted as orbs of love and compassion.


Purple orbs reflect wisdom and knowledge. More often than not, a purple orb comes from a spirit who has something important to say. Maybe they want to resolve something from their past life or have wisdom they’d like to give you. Either way, be present and listen—you may be able to help them, or they may be able to help you. Similarly, purple orbs can also indicate strong physic powers and abilities.


Pink orbs represent love and compassion. This color orb is typically a good sign and indicates that love is near. Perhaps the spirit feels love in your company, or it’s urging you to accept yourself. Either way, take a pink orb as a sign that you’re loved even when you feel alone. Similarly, pink orbs are often manifestations of accepting spirits. You can relax around these spirits—they likely mean you no harm. Light pink orbs are thought to be signs of child spirits or ghosts.

White or silver

White or silver orbs offer protection and strength. Seeing a white orb may be a sign that your guardian angel or a departed loved one is near. Someone is watching over you, and they want to let you know you’re safe. Alternatively, white orbs can also harness healing and innocent energy. Murky or grayish white orbs may indicate a lost or wandering spirit.


Black orbs are warning signs. More often than not, the presence of a black orb isn’t good. This isn’t to say the spirit or ghost manifesting the orb is bad, but they’re sending you a warning. Perhaps danger is near, or you’re heading down the wrong path. Either way, black orbs are often signs that you should be on your guard. Alternatively, black orbs could signify a depressive or negative emotional state. Some believe that black orbs are manifestations of trapped or saddened spirits. Gray orbs could be a sign of residual energy a spirit left behind.


Brown orbs could be a sign of danger or darkness. When a dark brown orb is near, it’s likely because a spirit is trying to warn you of something. Perhaps the location you’re in has a dangerous energy or you’re about to encounter a scary situation. Either way, the spirit is trying to tell you to be care and watch your surroundings. Alternatively, brown orbs can also be signs of an earthbound spirit. This means the ghost is trapped on the earthly plane in the real world and is unable to move on.

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