How To
2 Foolproof Ways to Hard Boil an Egg
Hard-boiled eggs are great for deviled eggs, egg salad, or on their own as a protein-rich and filling snack. However, if you always end up with cracked eggs and green yolks when you try to make hard-boiled eggs, you're not getting the most out of your egg...
How to Throw a Football
Mastering good football throwing technique means your passes will fly farther, land more precisely, and be easier to catch. More importantly, you'll reduce your risk for common throwing injuries. The steps below will help you improve your passing game and...
How to Construct a Small Septic System
Most private septic systems are made up of two parts: the holding and digesting tanks, and the dispersal field.[1] X Trustworthy Source United States Environmental Protection Agency Independent U.S. government agency responsible for promoting safe...
How to Become a Chef
You might decide to become a chef because you enjoy cooking and like to experiment in the kitchen. While it’s a demanding career, it can also be very satisfying if it’s something you love. Start building the cooking skills you need to become a chef by pra...
How to Get Baby Soft Skin
Many people desire to have flawless, baby soft skin. With a few changes and upgrades to your daily routine, you too could have baby soft skin. Read this wikiHow to learn how!
How to Whiten Teeth With Baking Soda
Having white teeth can be a major confidence boost. Fortunately, you may not need to spend lots of money on whitening kits or professional treatments. Brushing or rinsing with baking soda could help whiten your teeth, but be aware you should use it carefu...
How to Handle Your Child's Temper Tantrum
As a parent, temper tantrums are one of the most stressful and frustrating things you'll have to deal with, especially once your child hits the terrible twos. However, according to child psychologists, most children don't throw a tantrum just to be naught...