Man Kills Eight-year-old Daughter in Hyderabad Seeking to Take Revenge on Estranged Wife
Man Kills Eight-year-old Daughter in Hyderabad Seeking to Take Revenge on Estranged Wife
Police said information was received late on Friday night about the presence of a man with blood-stained clothes and a deceased girl in his car

A man allegedly killed his eight-year-old daughter here by slitting her throat with a sharp knife as he bore a grudge against his estranged wife and committed the crime as a form of revenge, police said here on Saturday.

Police said information was received late on Friday night about the presence of a man with blood-stained clothes and a deceased girl in his car.

A police team reached the Outer Ring Road (ORR) in Hyderabad and took the man, who was seated in the driver’s seat, into custody and recorded his detailed confession, police said in a release. The accused confessed that he got married in 2011 and that his wife is a software employee in a reputed firm, it said.

The accused, however, was a junior-level employee, drawing less salary than his wife. This had led to quarrels between them, it said, adding that the couple had an eight-year-old girl. The accused has been unemployed and his wife left him eight months ago to stay at her parents’ house.

Since then, his wife had been avoiding him and not talking to him properly. She did not allow their daughter also to talk to him. The accused used to visit his daughter at her school and would buy things for her. He used to drop his daughter at his wife’s home. But his wife and her family members did not treat him well, the release claimed.

The man developed a feeling that his wife is living happily with the daughter whereas he faced financial problems. Aiming to take revenge on her, he hatched a plan to kill his daughter, it claimed. As per his plan, he picked up his daughter from school on Friday afternoon in his car. After stopping the vehicle later, he talked to her about his problems. The girl told him to talk to her mother.

There, the man slit the girl’s throat with a sharp knife which is used to cut papers, resulting in her immediate death. The accused then proceeded towards his native Vijayawada on the Outer Ring Road (ORR) and sought to dump the girl’s body on the outskirts of Hyderabad, it said.

However, the car hit a divider and this led to a tyre burst. He was seen by one person who gave information to the police. The accused was arrested and was being produced before a court, the release added.

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