Accident claims hits KSRTC coffers hard
Accident claims hits KSRTC coffers hard

Following the KSRTC’s repeated defeats in court battles, Transport Minister Aryadan Mohammed has directed counsel for the KSRTC to be more vigilant while handling accident cases as their failure is causing heavy losses for the corporation.

According to official sources, the average loss is over Rs 70 crore.

“Most of the accidents involving KSRTC buses is not our fault. However, when the judgement is passed, it always comes against us, because of which the KSRTC has been frequently losing while appearing for accident cases at the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal. The lawyers do not properly present the cases. This indifferent attitude makes it impossible for the KSRTC to fight since there is already a misconception that KSRTC buses will be the cause of most accidents,” said sources with the KSRTC.

To monitor the duties of the counsels for the KSRTC, the minister has said that a new post will be created. A person who has the qualifications of a lawyer will be appointed to the post, the minister said.

Also, a monthly meeting of the DTO, ATO, standing counsel and the inspectors of the depots concerned will be held to review various cases, pending and completed, in connection with the KSRTC. According to sources, the KSRTC is losing their battles mainly because advocates do not visit the accident site.

“There is a general order that the KSRTC advocate and the KSRTC inspectors should go to the accident site. Since the advocates do not take such efforts, a lot of discrepancies are created. We are then unable to properly present our cases in court,” said top officials with the KSRTC.

Meanwhile, there are allegations that some petitioners bribe the police to take a case against the KSRTC though they are not at fault. “There are many petitions wherein our drivers are at fault, and we are willing to pay for it. But at least 90 per cent of the accidents involved is because of the other party’s negligence,” they said.

A meeting of the Transport Minister, counsels for the KSRTC and the KSRTC officials took place on Saturday.

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