Apple looking to secure domain name
Apple looking to secure domain name
Apple is seeking to own the iPad3 domain according to a report by Domain Name Wire.

New Delhi: When Apple launched its latest tablet, the brand had not named it the iPad 3, instead they opted to switch back to their roots and merely call it 'iPad.' However, many people still refer to the brand’s third generation tablet as the iPad 3. So Apple is seeking to own the iPad3 domain according to a report by Domain Name Wire.

The report states, "Apple filed a case with World Intellectual Property Organisation under the uniform domain name dispute resolution policy (UDRP). was registered in January 2010 and is currently owned by a company called Global Access in Isle of Man. Global Access is no stranger to cybersquatting complaints, having lost challenges by big companies such as AllState, AOL, and MasterCard. The domain name is currently parked. Its traffic is rotated to various domain parking services with"

The report adds that though Apple does own a host of domain names, the brand is yet to own an domain name.

In the past Apple have sought to own a handful of domain names with the most recent being the domain name which they have recently acquired.

Apple is expected to launch their next-generation flagship handset, probably called the iPhone 5, this year. However, this domain was already being used by a fan forum site.

Apple sought to gain access of this domain by filing a case with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), as it could be a name they're considering for their next handset. The brand wanted access to it, so that if a fan typed the name in a browser, they would not be directed to a porn site or a malicious website.

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