BU teachers seek arrears, promotions
BU teachers seek arrears, promotions
BANGALORE: Bangalore University teachers from various postgraduate departments and the constituent engineering institute Universit..

BANGALORE: Bangalore University teachers from various postgraduate departments and the constituent engineering institute University Visvesvaraya College of Engineering (UVCE) staged a symbolic sit-in protest on Saturday morning, days ahead of the varsity’s 47th annual convocation to be held on April 12. Close to 30 members of the Bangalore University Teachers’ Council (BUTC) gathered in front of the offices of V-C Dr N Prabhu Dev and Registrar (Administration) B C Mylarappa in the Central College premises and demanded immediate attention to pending demands concerning the welfare of these teachers.Some of the pending issues include encashment of earned leave, career advancement scheme (CAS) promotions to teachers, salary arrears to UVCE teachers, amendments to the PhD ordinance and financial assistance to various departments. In a representation addressed to the V-C, the BUTC stated,“The government has not directed BU to withhold the earned leave benefit. In spite of our earnest request, the administration has shown scant respect. Salary arrears have not been released to UVCE teachers. Financial assistance to conduct special lectures and for general maintenance  has not been released.”Dr Munirajappa, president of BUTC said, “Our meeting with the V-C ended in a verbal quarrel. Even the Registrar has expressed helplessness,” he told Express. “We do not want to come in the way of the annual convocation. We will try to meet the V-C again. If nothing transpires, we will continue our protest,” said Munirajappa. V-C Prabhu Dev was unavailable for comments, whereas Registrar Mylarappa said, “I do not come into the picture. If the V-C directs me to solve the issues, I will do so accordingly,” he said.

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