Bungling V-Cs to face tough action
Bungling V-Cs to face tough action
COIMBATORE: If a Vice Chancellor of the shortly-to-be expanded Anna University indulges in administrative or financial bungling, t..

COIMBATORE: If a Vice Chancellor of the shortly-to-be expanded Anna University indulges in administrative or financial bungling, the same would be probed by no less a person other than a retired High Court judge or an officer of the rank of Chief Secretary.This provision for a credible inquiry process against incumbent Vice Chancellor of the premier institution has been incorporated in the recently enacted Tamil Nadu University Laws (Amendment and Repeal) Act, 2011. The law, which will be given effect to through a separate notification, provides for the merger of the Anna Universities of Technology in Chennai, Coimbatore, Tiruchy, Madurai and Tirunelveli with the parent Anna University in Chennai.The Act says: “For the purposes of holding an inquiry (against the VC), the Government shall appoint a person who is or has been a judge of the High Court or who is or has been an officer of the Government not below the rank of Chief Secretary to Government.”The inquiry authority shall hold the inquiry after giving an opportunity to make representation by the Vice Chancellor and shall submit a report to the Government on the action to be taken including penalty, if any, to be imposed, and the Government shall on consideration of the report advice the Governor-Chancellor. “The Chancellor shall Act in accordance with such advice, as far as may be, in any case within three months.”There is no provision for directly removing or dismissing a Vice Chancellor without following such procedure of inquiry. “The Vice Chancellor shall not be removed from his office except by an order of the Chancellor passed on the ground of willful omission or refusal to carry out the provisions of this Act or for abuse of the powers vested in him and on the advice tendered by the Government on consideration of the report of an inquiry ordered by them under sub-section (4-B),” the Act says.The V-C would ordinarily hold office for a period of three years or till the time he attains the age of 65. In case a V-C prefers to resign, he/she shall give a two month’s notice to the Chancellor.

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