Chandrayaan launch: Messages of pride and joy pour in
Chandrayaan launch: Messages of pride and joy pour in
Indians, however directly or otherwise linked with Chandrayaan 1, are happy.

New Delhi: While the world was watching with bated breath, India successfully put into orbit the space module Chandrayaan 1.

The successful launch on Wednesday October 22 signalled not just a technological stride in India's favour but also a moment that will go down in history.

But it was not just the common man in the streets that rejoiced, nor just the team that was into the launch mission.

People from all walks of life congratulated themselves on India's success. Rakesh Sharma, who had himself been inside a spacecraft that was launched into space before, was immensely proud too.

Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian and 138th person to travel in space and who retired from the Air force as Wing Commander said that he was overcome with pride and joy. "It was an emotional experience all over again. It gave me an opportunity to relive my flight itself. This time i was viewing it. I must say the tension levels were higher because earlier on I was in the launcher and of course I was aware that the launch was going live back to India but this was different. I am so happy and proud that it all went off well and ISRO has achieved the first level of success from this particular mission. It certainly announces to the world that ISRO has kind of come of age and that it now ready to take on science and exploration in a big way, having already translated the earlier vision of Dr Vikram Sarabhai which was to have science work for the common man. So after the successful application of the programme, ISRO is investing really in the future. I see no reason why they are not going to achieve the same level of success as they have done in the first phase of the programme." said Sharma.

Amitabh Ghosh, or rather Dr Amitabh Ghosh an IIT-ian who is the planetary geologist of NASA lauded India's achievement.

"I think that this is an incredible achievement. This helps the arrival of India to a very special circle. We are in Washington and we are celebrating. We have my colleagues from NASA with me and the Indian embassy folks. This is an incredible achievement at any level. Although the moon has already been visited, humans are going back to the moon. NASA is sending a mission to the moon again in ten years to set up a lunar base. All nations are looking at the moon for habitation. So this really plays into the grand scheme of things. Whenever one needs to go to a particular terrain for habitation, you need a detailed map of the place, which the Chandrayaan will be able to provide. So I think that this is an incredible opportunity," said Ghosh.

India's political leaders too were extremely happy at the scientific and technological achievement. Minister for Science and Technology, Kapil Sibal said, "I think this is a moment that will go down in history as one of the moments in which India took pride in levels of excellence that India has achieved and the scientific community has achieved. India will take pride in being one of the few nations of the world that have the technology, the expertise and the wherewithal to launch their selves to the moon. India can take pride in investigating the mysteries of space," said Sibal.

A spokesperson of the European Space Agency said that the ESA congratulates ISRO on this successful launch and welcomed India's new mission to the Moon.

It is a Wednesday that India and the world will remember as a day of success and fulfillment.

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