The film's Hindi version has gathered close to Rs 30 crore. The film is also doing well in key overseas markets.
New Delhi: As expected, Aamir Khan's 'Dhoom 3' has opened at a positive note. As per trade analyst Taran Adarsh it has become the biggest non-holiday opener in Bollywood toll date. He tweets, "Dhoom3 emerges the BIGGEST non-holiday opener ever. Collects ₹ 30 cr+ [early est] on Friday. Hindi version only. Dhoom macha diya indeed!"
Adarsh further tweets, "Internationally, #Dhoom3 is in Top 5 charts in key markets. UK: No 4, Australia: No 5, New Zealand: No 5. USA yet to compile. HISTORIC."
Directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya, the film also features Abhishek Bachchan and Katrina Kaif in important roles.
'Dhoom 3' is the third film in the franchise which started with 'Dhoom' in 2004'.
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